s Philosophy: Webness

Alternative Culture MagazineCougar WebWorks Celebrating Nature, Culture, and Spirit
Alternative Culture Magazine

Alternative Culture Blog

Further Adventures of a Rogue Journalist

by Nowick Gray, Editor of Alternative Culture Magazine

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Webness has a dual nature, both objective and subjective. More than this dualism is magic, the magic of life and art.

Even without humans to read into the nature of things an interconnectedness, things are interconnected. Humans would never have arrived on the earth if things weren't interconnected in so marvelous a way as to make life possible in the first place. Yet we add something new to the equation: a subjective view or appreciation, a gathering perception of things that gives interconnectedness, or webness, a value and a real place in our scheme of things.

The cosmos at large is the obvious example of how things are connected. Gravity, centrifugal force, expansion and contraction: these are the primal forces that hold all matter and energy together in dynamic interplay. Light is the medium through which all things spin and swim. Matter combines in ways that we perceive as images: distinct things with shapes and boundaries and names, colors and characteristics unique to each. Yet we also recognize categories of sameness and correspondence, classes of behavior and patterns of structure, that in our minds link things together. We can see and appreciate especially the myriad ways in which plants and animals and their habitats form complex webs of relationship and symbiosis. All of this interconnected webness we call Life; and on a smaller scale, in the case of our own species or subgroup, we call the sum of our interconnections Society.

In our manner of perceiving and thinking and communicating about these things of the cosmos, of life and society, we form ideas. As the ideas correspond to the things we perceive in the outside world, they are similarly interconnected. The way that ideas operate corresponds to the linkage of things external: through a web of electricity and association that is more than random. The clustering of events and images and ideas in our minds builds on seeds and foundational links the same as water vapor around dust, or primeval gases around spinning star-seeds, tiny prototypical centers of gravity. When we proceed to create external forms that demonstrate the same kind of interconnectedness as that held by our ideas and the things of the world that the ideas represent, the resulting webness is pleasing to the eye and ear and internal sense of harmony. We call this final webness Art.

© Nowick Gray

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Many of the essays appearing here are collected in convenient e-book format (pdf). Coming Home: Nature and Me and Other Essays is available now for free download.

Right-click to save to your computer: nature.pdf

Rule Reversals (January 2003)

Telling it Like it Is (January 2003)

White Rabbit (February 2002)

On Novelty (February 2002)

An Open Letter to the Democratic Party after September 11 (December 2001)

Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion (book review) (November 2001)

Forest Storm (September 2001)

Feminism, Poetic Myth, and Alternative Culture - An Homage to The White Goddess (July 2000)

Quests for Identity and Other Addictions (May 2000)

Wheel of Fortune (April 2000)

Great Writers and Street Poets (February 2000)

Upgrade for Speed Because Time is Running Out? (August 1999)

Retail Therapy: Decision Making in the Computer Age (August 1999)

Retail Therapy2: Random Brief Downtimes (August 1999)

Farouche Speaks (April 1999)

NetGlut: Notes from a cleansing fast (February 1998)

To Unix and Back Alive (January 1997)

Webness (November 1996)

Surfing Again (November 1996)

Bananas in British Columbia (May 1996)

Confessions of a computer addict (May 1996)

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