Alternative Culture MagazineCougar WebWorks Celebrating Nature, Culture, and Spirit
Alternative Culture Magazine

The Best in Drumming CD's (plus some top picks in books and video)

African Drumming CDs with African Drum Masters, and other Selected Alternative Music CD's including Funk, Fusion and Jazz.

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African/Latin Drumming, traditional and modern

Funk, Fusion and Jazz

Special Video Pick Hits!

Stomp Out Loud
Smash Off-Broadway percussion show takes to the streets with brooms, basketballs, bungie cords, sewer pipes, kitchen knives, playing cards...anything that will make a rhythmic texture. In one joyful hour this group will make you aware of the rhythm pervasive in every act of living.

Tap Dogs
Possibly even more inspiring than Stomp Out Loud! These Aussie foot-stompers cross all the boundaries while pounding out tight percussive polyrhythms on every variety of surface. Backed at times by frenzied kit drummers, these unstoppable dancers will have you climbing the walls with them: in time.

Drum Book Picks:

Mande Music--Eric Charry
A definitive and scholarly study of West African music--its origins, its instruments, its language and technique.

Effortless Mastery: Liberating the Master Musician Within--Kenny Werner
Weber is an accomplished jazz musician but speaks as the friend and mentor of the musical beginner or performer alike. Take it easy, he says. Relax. Get in touch with what this magic called music is really about. Listen. Get out of the way, enough to hear what the music wants to say, where it wants to go. If you can do this--feeling your musical "I" to be as large as time itself--then you can say with confidence, "I am a master."

> > > more great books on drumming, music, creativity . . .

Order ROOTS JAM: Collected Rhythms for Hand Drum & Percussion


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