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Alternative Culture Magazine

Book Review

Abducted by Aliens: or, How I Learned to Cope with High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and My Mother -- Chuck Weiss

This is a long strange trip through one man’s lifelong experiences with alien abduction - along with an unhealthy dose of harassment by the men-in-black government agency known by the code-name “Majestic.” Not only is the author’s firsthand tale convincing, with its journalistic reports of the classic signs of alien intervention, but the book contains a wealth of research and references to other literature in the field.

Those classic signs of too-“close encounters” include: episodes of “missing time,” quasi-nightmares and other sleep disorders, sudden appearance of physical marks such as scrape marks, burns, scabs and precise scars (supported in the book by photographs), and spontaneous healings. Oddly in Weiss’s case, the one bit of “evidence” missing from his dossier is an actual UFO sighting.

A substantial section of the book documents Weiss’s experiences with apparent surveillance and tampering with his home and work life, evidently not by aliens directly but by shady government agents intent on intimidation to keep the lid on the alien phenomenon. This aspect of covert espionage takes on greater weight in the concluding section of the book dealing with competing agendas not only among various alien races but also behind the scenes of such political events as Hitler’s rise to power and the birth of the CIA.

The book is engaging with its personal, self-reflective style and approach to the subject. Weiss seeks not only to make sense of his personal history of alien contact, but to share insights with fellow “Experiencers,” and to scour the field for additional pieces of the bigger picture, so that we all might be better prepared to accept and understand the uncomfortable reality that we are not alone.

--Nowick Gray

link to AbductedbyAliens website

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