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Cougar's Favorite Books:

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Lifestyle and Success Books

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LifeStyle/Success bookstore

Baseball Dynasties: The Greatest Teams of All Time--Rob Neyer and Eddie Epstein
The authors make an entertaining and convincing case for their list(s) of the fifteen "Greatest Teams of All Time." They combine a novel statistical approach (using standard deviation to equalize teams across different eras) with informative chapters about each of the great teams discussed.

Why Time Begins on Opening Day--Thomas Boswell
...Washington Post columnist shows breadth and depth of insight, cogent analysis, and telling anecdote to illuminate Major League Baseball in its essence. The most articulate writer on this beat. This 1984 collection of essays is still captivating for any baseball fan.

Being the Best You Can Be in MLM--John Kalench
...complete handbook for beginner or pro. Powerful, persuasive, and simple.

Think and Grow Rich--Napoleon Hill
...the classic of success literature; Hill chronicles methods of Carnegie and others and gives anyone access to them. Vision becomes reality.

A Year in Provence--Peter Mayle
...humorous engaging style, with an irresistable taste of a culture grounded in the basics: good food and drink.

Big Al's Super Prospecting: Special Offers and Quick-Start Systems--Tom Schreiter
...the master of MLM shares his secrets with utter simplicity and engaging, entertaining style.

Beyond Success: 15 Secrets of a Winning Life!--Brian Biro
...motivational trainer studies philosophy of legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, applies lessons to business and life success. Keyword: teamwork.

October 1964--David Halberstam
...the end of the Yankee baseball dynasty symbolized change in the game and American culture at large.

Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want--Barbara Sher
...putting the power of visualization, planning, and group synergy to work for you in reaching your goals

John Barleycorn--Jack London alcoholic autobiography, full of piss, vinegar, sea spray, booze and powerful writing

Wired Magazine
...the cutting edge, in quintessential punk-flavored digitalese

Down and Out in Paris and London--George Orwell
...think you've got it bad? Try the Paris sculleries 100 hours a week.

Letters at 3AM: Reports on Endarkenment--Michael Ventura, language, culture, poetic insight: by any label, this guy's a master

Being Digital--Nicolas Negroponte insider covers ever-evolving scene of technical change

Shadows in the Sun: Essays on the Spirit of Place--Wade Davis
...powerful, eloquent accounts of natural peoples and places

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