me menagerie
Be wary for
I have
live lions in my feet
and bearded anklets subtle
I have toes that flex and purr; I tear
the skin from off the earth
in quick-padded leaps
I raise the pulse of Africa in the even
as I sleep and in my rest
is no defeat, just
haze of somnolent rapping
are in my calves
the calves of daddy giravves lip
impervious tongues and teeth
beneath the dome, they push me home
they poke me up to the highest peak
where leaves burn blue on copper
their hooves, my dear, are straight
and tap most terrible
of sin:
inhabit my groin, and not
a single one among them. Dozened,
they're oiled, coiled. They slether
down the righteous necks beneath, they
tether together unlikeliest pairs, they
supple up to cup each rib; there are no secrets
can be kept herein
near, most dear
the beat's the buzz of bees
The hive I fear is in my chest; my heart's alive
with fuzz and flies. No stillness
lies, no place of rest, but trials, denials and
fierce short flight. Honey's best squozen
in shade of night
Read on daring, darling:
little roll and bite
around my mouth; my tongue's
about with dear new fur
all play and sleep, all
discontent, all merriment
I lick most quick
and livened, dive
and dart and suckle deep. My sleep's
not long, my bite's not
strong; I long to try you-
try me!