Unmask Thyself

Coronavirus Journal, part 9 – by Nowick Gray

You can’t get away from the masks these days: mandated for health care or retail shopping, advertised on every webpage, fuel for endless online feuds. They just seem to encapsulate all the issues of the current COVID crisis into one compact image: the imposed protocols, the hiding of taboo narratives (natural cures, global agendas, bioweapons, vaccines), loss of personal identity and interaction, silencing of dissent… all on top of the debatable effectiveness and demonstrated unhealthiness of the masks themselves. The result: a population of former humans, divided into warring camps, over allegiance or rebellion around this symbolic flag-around-the-mouth.

Let’s dig a little deeper into three aspects of the mask phenomenon: (i): symbolic obfuscation, (ii) full-spectrum colonization, (iii) induced self-censorship.

i.                    Anger Management (PC Edition)

Take the Ku Klux Klan
as an example to judge:
their stance, black and white.

What about the WHO?
Are they not perpetrators
of mass unknown deaths?

Vaccine trials gone bad:
Africa, India, here;
bioweapon friends;

killing the normal;
suicides, untreated deaths;
suppressing cures.

None of these unknown
but tucked safely out of mind
behind masked silence.

ii.                 The Colonial Project

We of the earth are being colonized, as always, everywhere possible for the last ten thousand years.

I saw a seal sliding out of the water, onto the rocks. No, it was a person. Then, a scattered group of seven. Brown skins, long hair, singing voices. We two paddled in, came ashore, then dove and swam like human seals. It was a vision, of how life used to be.

Now remote, in gentle pockets of nature like this; or extinguished, eradicated by guns or disease, money or culture; killed off or voluntarily abandoned. No regimes left to change; just blessings of spontaneous revival. No movements, but moments, to be snatched from the jaws of time’s colonizers and savored like those ephemeral notes in the breeze, seal eyes popping to the surface. Bubbles in a cauldron of universal conquest.

For a while we thought we had it figured out. The right to vote would solve our problems, give the people back our self-determination long lost to the overlords. The Internet would allow us to find and share information and ideas about everything under the sun, so we’d all vibrate together in one big happy global brain. We would ascend out of the mire of ignorance, poverty and oppression and make a paradise on earth.

But democracy was a scam. A good idea, that got weaponized. Bought off at the top, propagandized at the bottom, policy choice reduced to a narrow band of “necessary evils.” With the aura of freedom, the illusion of choice, and the commercial manipulation of belief, that classical ideal modeled on the Greek city-state got pulled over our eyes like a sleep mask.

Plato saw it coming: the tyranny of the majority watching the flickering shadows on the cave wall and calling that truth. Challenge that perception and you will be outcast – back to the real world outside, which you were blessed (or cursed) to have glimpsed. No going back to Cave-TV now.

The arms race in the battlefield of belief was lost with the refinement of mass psychology under the tutelage of leaders in the field: in theory, Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays; in practice, Hitler’s chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels. The failsafe trigger was located in fear.

With concentrated wealth poured into mass advertising, education, public relations, corporate lobbying, grant foundations, think tanks, military research, clandestine special ops, and false flag events – all filtered and massaged by a handful of media conglomerates and tech giants – “free speech” is reduced to Twitter storms and arguments on Facebook.

Free thought is even hijacked by the above onslaught of mind control (not even to speak of more exotic technologies, from subliminal TV ads of the fifties, to new generation two-way AI nanotechnology scheduled to be injected into your DNA soon, if the self-appointed masters of the universe get their way). In such a world, an unhealthy majority of the virtual sheeple support mandatory masking for all. The aim from on high, as King Gates himself proclaims, is for everyone to get the vaccine, so the masking mandate serves the purpose of a large-sample dry run: a ‘live exercise,” as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo let slip.

Yet the masses follow their self-appointed leaders, because the culture and the society have programmed us from birth to obey authority. Mask thyself, free citizen. Do what the doctor and the teacher say. Do what the government says, to keep us all safe.

Deeper psychology (Freud) makes it a piece of cake when we naturally substitute authority for our parents. Training to worship God and his priesthood goes nearly as deep. And the archetypal psychologist Jung gives us insight into the heavy pull of tribalism, to stick together and to target outsiders – or dissenters – as the enemy, based again on that lynchpin, FEAR. Today there are few actual lions, tigers and bears left to fear, so we are left instead with their virtual replacements: False Evidence Appearing Real. And where conflicting evidence abounds, as in the COVID crisis, we default to the story we fear most.

What is the cure for this plague of the mind that has been visited upon us, we natural humans? Are we so buried under layers of history and indoctrination, engineered self-definition and designer identity, that we no longer even care about nurturing that flame of reality within us? Starved of live human-to-human connection, is that fire of love and fellow feeling that binds us in the human tribe reduced to a pilot light, a fading spark, a masking device that glows in the dark?

iii.               Unmask Manifesto

Your hand masks your mouth.
You ask yourself: is this me?
What is your answer?

Truth behind the mask:
We all want to stay alive.
Are we still human?

This is one timeline:
A mask wrapped around our face.
I won’t breathe that way.

This article first appeared in The New Agora (29 July 2020)

Image credits: feature – Wackystuff, Flickr; 1 – Piotr Marcinski, Dreamstime; 4 – AZ quotes; 5 – SarcasticConservative, Imgflip; 7 – Critical Thinking 101, Twitter

further reading:s

Coronavirus Journal | Quarantine Reading List

Nowick Gray writes from Salt Spring Island, BC. His books of genre-bending fiction and creative nonfiction explore the borders of nature and civilization, imagination and reality, choice and manifestation. Connect at NowickGray.com to read more. A frequent contributor to The New Agora, Nowick also offers perspectives and resources on alternative culture and African drumming, and helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.

Subtle Matter: Where the Physical and Spiritual Unite

By William T. Hathaway

Dr. Klaus Volkamer’s new book, Weighing Soul Substance, builds bridges across the gulf that has separated science from spirituality, materialism from mysticism. It confirms the reality of auras, clairvoyance, remote viewing, psychokinesis, telepathy, and precognition, and presents empirical evidence that these phenomena have a material aspect. By using newly developed measuring technologies Volkamer detected changes in the mass of objects and people resulting only from mental activity. He proved that our thoughts produce physical changes in us and the world around us. “[H]uman thought and directed attention leave a detectable impression in our surroundings.”

He recorded these changes in controlled experiments, categorized the results, and analyzed them to determine causal patterns. His findings confirmed what many people have intuited but have been unable to prove: the existence of a subtle field of energy that permeates and enlivens the universe. It has been described in all cultures throughout history and given such names as Qi, Ether, Soma, Tao, Psi, Nous, Aperion, Vis Vitalis, and Materia Prima but has never been measurable until now. This universal, all-encompassing field joins matter and spirit together and connects everything into wholeness. It is the first layer of manifestation from the Unified Field, which quantum physics has found to be the non-material source of the universe.

Volkamer terms his discovery “subtle matter” and provides evidence that if we bring our awareness to it within ourselves, we can tap into this energy and use it to improve our lives and the world around us. “[P]eople with special mental abilities can produce, focus, and direct subtle matter.” Some mystics, saints, healers, philosophers, and psychics have been able to do this. Now through techniques such as Transcendental Meditation, millions of people around the world are contacting this field and learning to think and act from it. Its life-supporting influence is urgently needed in our crisis-ridden times. As destruction and chaos are increasing, positive energy is also rising in human consciousness to overcome the darkness and negativity.

Volkamer’s discovery that this field has a measurable material aspect and beneficial effects for us is a major contribution to human well being. He has taken it out of the realm of esoterics and established it scientifically.

His book is the culmination of decades of research and makes for fascinating reading. He has broken new ground but acknowledges that more studies need to be done, and he gives suggestions for further research.

The book challenges the assumptions of those who are fixed in either the materialist or the idealist paradigms. It establishes that matter and spirit aren’t binary opposites or a mutually exclusive dichotomy but are intimately connected. This book will probably be controversial, but as Thomas Kuhn wrote, “Every important idea in science sounds strange at first.”

More information is available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/3946533027.


William T. Hathaway’s novel of the climate change, Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, tells of an old woman and a young man healing nature through techniques of higher consciousness. Chapters are posted at https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/cosmicegg-books/our-books/wellsprings. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence. Chapters are posted at http://shattercolors.com/fiction/hathaway_summersnow01.htm.

“Consciousness and the Quantum: The Next Paradigm”

Reviewed by William T. Hathaway

At last a book that not only makes quantum physics understandable for general readers but shows how it has practical value for us. Author Dr. Robert M. Oates Jr. presents this abstract, theoretical topic in a step-by-step manner that makes it comprehensible. He explains the discoveries that are revolutionizing the way we see the world, and he captures the drama and conflicts involved in overthrowing the old scientific worldview and building the new. In conclusion he presents the benefits this knowledge can have for our individual lives.

Early researchers in quantum physics couldn’t believe their own evidence that proved matter, supposedly the basis of the universe, is fundamentally insubstantial. At the quantum scale, the ground state of the universe, it dissolves into waves of a nonmaterial, abstract field, and even these waves have only potential existence.

Quanta aren’t physical particles but energy frequencies. They exhibit mass at the macro scale only because of their energy, as Einstein established with his discovery that energy is interchangeable with mass.

The position and speed of quanta are interconnected in such a way that it is impossible to know both of them. The more exactly one is determined, the more uncertain the other becomes, so their motion can’t be predicted.

More amazing yet, an objective world independent of the observer doesn’t exist. Observer and observed are linked at the quantum scale. The realm of discrete objects is transcended and everything unites into an wholeness that is inherently subjective, since nothing exists but that. What we think of as solid matter is just vibrations continually emerging from and dissolving back into a nonmaterial unified field. As Einstein said, “everything is vibrations”. The frontier of science now lies in discovering more about this field.

Consciousness and the Quantum shows how the unified field exhibits inherent intelligence. This is seen in the “patterns in nature … such as the systematic evolution of the stars, the configuration of electrons in an atom, or the energy-producing chlorophyll cells in a plant. … This is not to say that flowers … can think or form purposes: but it is to say … that the natural world is characterized throughout by the display of intrinsic intelligence.”

This intelligence is also apparent in the molecular structure of crystals. These intricate, three-dimensional patterns give matter its apparent solidity. “‘Solid matter’ is just a way of speaking about complex patterns of intelligence.”

On the biological level, “cells display inherent intelligence. … The swirling dance of patterns within the cell displays an intricate, intrinsic intelligence in both structure and function. And it is precisely these problem-solving patterns that add structural rigidity and occupy space.”

Consciousness and the Quantum makes the case that the unified field and all its manifestations, including us, are simply consciousness interacting with itself. The book takes us beyond the false duality of matter and mind, object and subject, realism and idealism into an integrated synthesis in which “a boundless, completely abstract realm of consciousness — extant everywhere at the most fundamental level of intergalactic creation — would give rise to both mind and matter.” “Objectivity and subjectivity are one, the infinite diversity and dynamism displayed in the universe consists of a single, fundamental constituent — consciousness.” “Consciousness is an omnipresent, unbounded field at the most basic level of nature. … Just as the worldwide ocean exists, interconnected, as one boundless medium, supporting propagating waves of its own nature, so … consciousness is one vast ‘ocean’, omnipresent throughout the universe, supporting propagating waves of its own nature. … The propagating waves are identified as the ultimate building blocks of the natural world.”

The book takes this knowledge out of the realm of theory and shows us how to benefit from it in our daily life. It describes a practical method for contacting the unified field in our own consciousness. This is achieved in meditation when the mind is alert and aware but free of thoughts, the state of samadhi. There we aren’t thinking about the unified field but experiencing it as our deepest nature. When practiced on a regular basis, this enables us to bring some of the field’s qualities of intelligence and energy out into the manifest, active level to improve our lives and the world around us. “The use of systematic meditation technologies can align the individual human mind with the limitless intelligence displayed in the laws of nature.” “By thus living in tune with the laws of nature, we can experience an upgraded, expanded version of life.”

More information on Consciousness and the Quantum is available at https://miupress.shop/other-authors/consciousness-and-the-quantum-1.html.


William T. Hathaway’s novel of the climate change, Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, tells of an old woman and a young man healing nature through techniques of higher consciousness. Chapters are posted at https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/cosmicegg-books/our-books/wellsprings. His peace novel, Summer Snow, is the story of an American warrior falling in love with a Sufi Muslim and learning from her that higher consciousness is more effective than violence. Chapters are posted at http://shattercolors.com/fiction/hathaway_summersnow01.htm.