The Meme Artist

Rather than putting us to sleep, art wakes us up and invites us to experience something about being human that is in danger of being forgotten. The missing ingredient can’t be directly stated, immediately observed, or processed by algorithm, but it’s there—in the moment before it is named or depicted or resolved. It’s alive, it’s paradoxical, and it’s the exclusive province of Team Human.

—Douglas Rushkoff, Team Human

In this time of unprecedented censorship, factual arguments and personal opinions alike are deemed too dangerous to be freely aired. An orthodox narrative, once sanctioned by government, corporate, and media collusion, stiffens to a militant fundamentalism, which spells the death of free speech, action, and even thought. The algorithms are set in motion to cleanse the media landscape of dissenting views. (As we speak, that contested landscape is being expanded into the sovereign territory of the human braina critical dimension of “The Great Reset,” to keep it running smoothly in perpetuity.)

Artists are called to rave against this machine, and to wield their lifelike talents to weave spells invisible to the keyword-sniffing bots that stalk our conversations. Enter the meme artist, who offers the relatively safe interface of human intuition and humor as a buffer to the technocratic goons, who comprehend neither subtlety nor grace.

Art, perhaps, is a refuge of our shared humanity. It is revealing that new dictators often opt to cull first the intellectuals (Austria 1938), professors (Cambodia 1975), musicians (Chile 1973), priests (El Salvador, 1980), journalists (Columbia)… and writers and other artists whenever they risk blatant offense (Salman Rushdie, 1989).

On the nonlethal level, the mere act of sharing a mask meme on social media invariably stirs up a hornet’s nest of personal attacks, even (or especially) when a picture contains no words but conveys the truth of a thousand. At least such reaction is a human response, however lamentable the brainwashing that coaches it. On the bright side, the self-appointed fact-checkers are held at bay, since they can’t so easily identify an offending message if it relies on human intuition and emotion for its impact, instead of disputable information. And it is on that nonverbal level of human understanding that the meme artist hopes to reawaken the human connection beneath propaganda’s programming.

Art is up against slick advertisement and emotional branding, but the competition can’t stack up. Consider the syrupy sweet, empty platitudes of our planned slavery in 2030, which we are invited to celebrate—beginning with “Happiness Day” at the onset of the epoch of strangulation known as COVID-19. Of course, that happy carrot was shortly followed by the fascist stick of lockdowns, mandatory masks, and promises of coerced vaccinations. Likewise, the carroty candy of connectivity (5G) lures the masses into the trap of a totalitarian technocracy, where The Hunger Games meets Brave New World meets East Germany 1984.

How to portray, at a glance, this world-critical confrontation, between the orchestrated psychosis and common sense? The meme artist rises to the occasion. If one were to add a title to the following creation, it might be something like, “Mind Control, the Nanny State, and You.”

Here’s another one presenting with unitary impact the various virtual indignities of the New Abnormal being foisted upon humanity at this pivotal time. I would title this one, “Homo normalus.”

You too can be a meme artist, using any basic graphics software (or web platform such as Canva). Here are a few more topical examples from my own secret laboratory:

In addition to graphics, or images with added words, creative writing such as fiction and poetry can wrap itself in the protective cloak of metaphor, symbol, allusion. Where human understanding can fill gaps in meaning, reading between the lines. Here are some verbal memes, so to speak, to illustrate aspects of pandemic insanity in ways that skirt the minefields of didactic discourse.

Conspiracy Theory (May 2020)

As I walked to the beach today,
a black SUV slowly passed me by.
What was I thinking, just before?

The #DancingNurses:
this generation’s “Dancing Israelis”
this time in our faces.

The Missing Equation

Total number of CV-19 deaths: C
Total number of flu deaths: F
Excess number of CV-19 deaths: C – F = 0

0 =  excess annual deaths from “pandemic”
7 billion = civilian lives impacted: permanent job loss, suicide, deaths from untreated conditions, malnutrition and starvation, domestic abuse, child abuse, loss of home, bankruptcy, violent arrests, heavy fines, forced confinement and isolation, travel bans, lockdown of social and cultural life…

The Gates Code

–Select “Humanity.”
–Click “Delete.”

(key code)
–Announce upgrade to Human 2.021
                –Select compliant users
                                –Move to Directory VRAI
                –Select noncompliant users

                –Celebrate victory
                –Set AI timer to Self-Destruct
–Return to Home
–Choose “Play Again”

For more mask memes see: Masks Off – Meme artists for humanity – a gallery of memes

Covid Research Made Easy

The world-changing threat being presented to us by mass media and government officials takes two forms:

  1. The official narrative of “the pandemic”
  2. The draconian lockdown of society in response to “the pandemic”

To discern the truth independent of official sources is difficult in light of increased censorship—not only within mass media itself, but also of alternative voices in media, social media, health, and other sectors of society.  With even the search engines corrupted by pharmaceutical bias, independent research becomes a challenge.

To assist you in finding quality information so you can make up your own mind about the “facts” from a diversity of sources, I offer the following compilation from my own efforts. While I am not a scientist or health professional, I can bring my skills as a professional editor to bear in this search for truthful information. Just as I use my own discernment to select sources I find credible, you must use your own discernment to find the facts and narratives that most resonate with your experience and common sense.

Lists of Articles and Videos

Tip: Use search – Ctrl F – on the list pages to find keywords (e.g., HCQ, masks, bioweapon…)

Best Compiled Research

4 Must-Watch Videos for Information and Inspiration

Best Research on 5 Key Topics

Topic 1. The Flawed PCR Test

Topic 2: Case Fatality Rate (CFR) vs. Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)

Topic 3: Vaccine DNA and Control Technologies

Topic 4: WHO benefits? Follow the money.

The World Health Organisation was established solely to market Western medical products worldwide and at the most profitable rates possible.

The WHO… declared a global pandemic under the most spurious conditions with the full knowledge that this would not only permit a shutdown of the economy (for political and economic benefits I have detailed elsewhere) but to create something only logical—the Pharmadollar….

An emerging and potentially infinite demand for pharmaceuticals– legal or illegal– safe or unsafe—will offer the Western pharmaceutical cartels untold and unlimited profits and because these are all countries working in the USD / EUR markets, together with the WHO will be guaranteed potentially unlimited profit streams.

—Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, Inferno and the “Fourth Circle”. The American Empire and the 2020 Pandemic

See also: Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation? by Kevin Ryan, for how much the WHO cares about Black Lives in Africa.

Topic 5:  Lockdown = Lockstep to The Great Reset

Alternative Tech/Media Platforms

10 Sources of Alternative News and Opinion

The Editor’s Revised Covid Dictionary (ERCDed)

Foreword: ERCDed by the Headlines

Yes, I’m irked by the headlines. One, because they are driving a mass state of fear and compliance to support a narrative that is not being examined, but rather slavishly and even enthusiastically amplified, in the mainstream press. No doubt that’s good both for an unbeatable combination of public addiction, advertiser support, and editorial consistency under oligarchic ownership and government oversight. But it’s bad for journalistic integrity, critical credibility, and democratic debate.

When I was fifteen my lacrosse coach counseled us on the use of the stick: “It’s a tool, not a weapon.” The same should be said of the English language. And the moral choice of a journalist is to use that tool not blindly or unconsciously, but accurately to serve the public interest. Therefore I’m irked by headlines that reveal either outright complicity with propaganda, or unconscious bias toward the dominant programming of the day—what is casually termed, in global control circles, a “psychological operation.” 

Headline: COVID-19 causes café closure.

(Driftwood Print Edition, Sept. 9; revised from online edition, “Tree House Cafe temporarily closed after employee contracts COVID-19.”)

Perhaps the print version above was created for brevity—at the cost of misinformation. As I pointed out in my letter to the editors in response, “A closer read reveals a more accurate statement, that it was the café owners, following an employee’s positive test result, who actually “closed the restaurant.” Maybe that’s nitpicking… or maybe it’s an instructive microcosm of the more serious issue of how COVID is framed in our thinking.“

The second part of the online headline is more elusive: “contracts COVID-19.” In this case, we were told, the employee’s positive test was accompanied by actual mild symptoms: “a sore throat and noticing something was off with his sense of smell.” So technically the statement is true; but it misleads by reinforcing  the pandemic narrative, of a dangerous public health emergency.

A related word conveys a shade more serious medical connotations, in this headline from CTV news:

“Half a million U.S. children have been diagnosed with COVID-19” (CTV News, 8 September)

The word diagnosed appears just once more in the article—in the lead sentence: “Half a million U.S. children have been diagnosed with COVID-19, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association.” It disappears thereafter, and the links to these institutes of unknown patronage show only website homepages. Instead, the segue is complete to a raft of references to that catch-all catchphrase, “cases”:

The groups said 70,630 new child cases were reported from Aug. 20 through Sept. 3. This is a 16 per cent increase in child cases over two weeks, bringing up the total to at least 513,415 cases, the groups said in their weekly report on pediatric coronavirus cases.

No mention of actual death, disease or symptoms. Yet the conclusion is painted in stark, ominous tones: “These numbers are a chilling reminder of why we need to take this virus seriously.”

Similar instances have arisen in my editing work, with research articles probing the tourist industry where “the pandemic has caused widespread devastation.” Even without engaging in the problematics of the term pandemic—itself an arbitrary operational term announced by the WHO—I have to challenge such usage pointing out the critical but otherwise unrecognized distinction: that it was the lockdown policies imposed by governments that forced the shutdown of the global tourist industry. No such lockdown measures were imposed in response to past diseases, not even past alleged “pandemics.”

The effect of such reporting on public perception is staggering. Consider the following graphic. It presents in a nutshell the cause (reporting on cases—even if only one in seven months!) and effect (poll results showing the vast majority in favor of plexiglass barriers on school buses).


As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. highlights in the following graphic, the flatlined death count in no way supports increasing lockdown policies, which instead are being driven by the media hysteria over the bogus Casedemic—which is driven by faulty tests, and which ignores the lack of serious symptoms in all but a tiny minority of cases.

source: @robertfkennedyjr (Instagram)

Without further preamble, I bring you…

The Editor’s Revised Covid Dictionary (ERCD)

because of Covid > should be revised to > because of the lockdowns

      To investigate the preplanning for this “lockstep,” see: “The Great Reset”

cases (also: infections) > should be revised to > meaningless test results

What do cases mean without deaths, hospitalizations, symptoms?
What do cases mean from PCR tests not designed to test for viral infections?
What do cases mean from antibody tests, if you may have already had the disease and it’s gone?

      See: Growing research indicates many COVID-19 cases might not be infectious at all and The Absurdity of Covid “Cases”

independent fact checkers > should be revised to > propagandists hired by the Big Pharma chain of command

      See: Exposing the Fact Checkers and Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

public health officials > should be revised to > corrupt or programmed bureaucrats carrying out orders of the WHO and CDC

      For a more charitable, “human nature” explanation of such conformity, see: Ontario Member of Parliament Randy Hillier, interviewed by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

the pandemic > should be revised to > the alleged pandemic

      In court cases, an accused in presumed innocent until proven guilty. With major global impacts at stake, the WHO wields the power to trigger a worldwide emergency with the flick of a word, pandemic. Its reasonings are opaque, or proven wrong (the Imperial College model), yet the word stands for its own reality—in the public mind, a fait accompli. Wouldn’t it be prudent to examine the evidence, as in a court of law, before announcing the verdict at the start of the trial? What, there was never a trial? Oh, just a decree from a judge. No jury, no cross-examination, no transcript, no appeal. “Just do it.”

      See: The Jab – How the WHO Faked a Pandemic to Sell Vaccines

the science > should be revised to > corrupt scientists faking or suppressing studies on behalf of Big Pharma

                See: RFK, Jr. testimony in Line in the Sand interview and Dr. Reiner Fuellmisch’s presentation of the legal case against those responsible.

WHO, CDC > should be revised to > corrupt bureaucrats citing “the science” of Big Pharma

                See, again: RFK, Jr. testimony in Line in the Sand interview and Dr. Reiner Fuellmisch’s presentation of the legal case against those responsible.

further reading: Coronavirus Journal, by Nowick Gray