Freedom and the Future

Great Reset Glossary

  • great reset = new world order
  • global governance = one world government
  • build back better = a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity
  • we’re all in this together = you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy
  • green new deal = the death of shopping
  • fourth industrial revolution = delete the middle class
  • the pandemic = the gateway
  • artificial intelligence = artificial intelligence
  • pandemic = nondemic (“a pandemic without any excess deaths”)

See also: The Editor’s Revised Covid Dictionary (ERCDed)

The Future: A Confession

“You will eat bugs and fake meat, to preserve the planet. You will be denied fossil fuels, for the planet. You will be provided just enough digital currency to survive. You will do menial jobs and be thankful to your overlords. You will dutifully take your vaccination boosters without question or face the gulag. You will gladly agree to being chipped and electronically monitored. You will only consume government messaging and will not be allowed to contemplate contrary views.” (source)

–Umm, no thanks.

–Excuse me? No one asked you.
But I’ve been monitoring your feed. Bitch, bitch, bitch.
You always gripe about progress, rave about the great reset, rage against the vax machine.
You hate us for our freedom to engineer the world in our image.
You think you deserve better. Don’t you know pride is a mortal sin?
You’re no lion. You’re a sweet, kind lamb. You love sweet clover, don’t you?
You think the past was so great, you forget people died.
You and your kind survived. It’s called “adaptation.”

I confess, I have staked my claim to life in your simulation.
I wear glasses. I spend whole days on the computer.
My soles are synthetic, and you might say my soul is too.
All this input, you might say it makes me speechless.
I ignore the cries of my human race, too far away.
My privilege is the freedom of a prisoner of the mind.
What is virtual? I confess, you have dominated the debate.
Reality? One person’s fantasy, another’s whole game plan.
I take refuge in numbers: but they all reduce to 1 and 0.
But you know what? I gotta go now. There’s a freedom rally…

Freedom Festival

Jack Jazlowiecki – “Time is on the run”

Covert Tunes

  • Where Have All the Flu Deaths Gone
  • Imagine There’s No Covid
  • Little Masklets
  • The Bigger the Lies

Ask the Experts

Dr Roger Hodkinson: “This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”

Gareth Icke Freedom Rap

Jimi Hendrix: “Freedom”

Thievery Corporation: “Liberation Front”

Graffiti Corner

Meet Shiva

By William T. Hathaway

Shiva is the deity of transcendence, the cosmic force that returns all matter and energy, all manifestation and activity, back to its Source. This return is the final stage of an evolutionary process that begins with creation through the power of Brahma, maintenance through the power of Vishnu, then dissolution through the power of Shiva back into the unified field of pure consciousness, the same unified field that quantum physics has discovered. This ground state is the universe’s interface with God. Manifested forms dissolve in it into waves of a nonmaterial, abstract field, and new forms continually emerge from it to continue the cycle.

We can see this evolutionary process all around us. A seed becomes a plant that blossoms, creates new seeds, and dies. We manifest into a body that grows, develops, dies, then we later re-emerge as a new, more highly-evolved person. Socio-economic systems emerge, grow over centuries, and crumble like ours is doing now, then are replaced by more highly-developed, more egalitarian ones. As society enters this dissolution phase, more and more people are turning intuitively to Shiva because we need his support.

The universe begins with God’s thought, “I am one. Let me be many.” God first becomes the Divine Mother, Mahashakti. She gives birth to the universe, or more accurately, she becomes the universe. She does this by manifesting her creator aspect (Brahma and his partner Saraswati), her maintainer aspect (Vishnu and his partner Lakshmi), and her destroyer aspect (Shiva and his partner Durga or Parvati).

All these aspects of God working together unfold and administer the universe. Everything in creation is fundamentally One: God. And God, according to panentheism, is also beyond the creation.

When, after trillions of billions of years, God wants to be just one again, Shiva and his partner close down the show, they all return into the Divine Mother, she returns into God, and creation takes a rest. This is the glorious divine play. Our purpose in it is to get enlightened, and when we achieve that, our boundaries of separation disappear, and we live this cosmic unity as our own deepest nature. Then we enjoy 200 percent of life – the fullness of the material relative along with the fullness of the spiritual absolute. The deities will help us reach enlightenment because they love us and are us. The essence of the creation is love.

This little philosophical sketch is an the interpretation of Vedas set forth by Shankara, the 8th-century proponent of Advaita Vedanta (unity, non-duality). He said all the dieties are different aspects of the One. They offer different paths to the same goal: enlightenment, union with God. All are worthy of reverence, but people tend to have a preference for one of them based on their personal affinities.

To decide which one you prefer, you can start by gazing at pictures of them. These images are just conventions, but they can be useful. The Vedic deities are fundamentally beyond form and gender, but they appear to us in certain set images to help us better relate to them. (Yes, they really can be seen.) They are cosmic forces, administrators of natural law who keep creation functioning. If we project contemporary concepts of femininity and masculinity onto these divine beings, we will distort them (just as these concepts distort us).

Whose appearance interests you the most? Whom do you want to get to know better? Do you feel a heart connection? If so, listen to Vedic chantings of their names (each deity has over a thousand) on YouTube and notice how you respond. Then learn more about them on the internet. Trust your intuition, but if it’s not clear, a good Vedic astrologer can help you choose which one suits you best.

My new website will put you in touch with Shiva, his partner Durga-Parvati, and an offspring of their union, Ganesha. Ganesha is the great remover of obstacles, like a cosmic snowplow clearing our road of evolution. He rides on a mouse because mice are so skilled at getting around obstacles. Durga, as representative of the Divine Mother, has two sides: the loving, caring side for her children and the fierce, protecting side against those who threaten them. She is the demon slayer par excellence.

Getting to know this holy family is a journey of joy. Contact with them through bhakti – devotion – awakens a divine energy that permeates our heart, mind, and body and improves our thoughts, activities, and relationships.

The website offers a complete program of meditation, kundalini yoga, chanting, and puja. When done regularly, the procedures and techniques described there will gradually take you to higher states of consciousness, fill you with transcendental joy, and improve every aspect of your life. All of it free:

William T. Hathaway is the author of eight books including the Rinehart Foundation Award-winning novel A World of Hurt. He was a Fulbright professor of creative writing at universities in Germany, where he currently lives, writes, meditates, and hangs out with Shiva.

Lyrics for a Plague of the Mind

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.
—Albert Einstein


Pandemic Haiku

A letter to friends of your government –

What would it take for
you to change your mind? What will
open your eyes now?

If not now, then when?
If not you, then who? I ask,
Who is WHO? Tell me.

Who makes all the rules?
Is it a cat in a hat?
WHO knows the answer.

Who tells WHO the deal?
You know the answer: Bill Gates.
What is he selling?

Why don’t you know this?
Big Pharma owns all the news,
bought doctors, med schools.

They’ve hijacked our minds.
They’ve stolen, jabbed our children.
No wonder you sleep.

Freedom in the now
Just you, between earth and sky
Despite everything

What will you do?
It is not for you to say
Except, be ready

See: Who Chooses the Official, Governmentally Approved “Health Experts”?

Looking at the moon

looking at the moon
with trees abiding, we know
there is no covid

at our hospital
in the empty waiting room
there is no covid

under microscopes
scientists peer, sketch bad code
from fragments: Covid!

walking under stars
with the good earth underfoot
there is no covid

poring over stats:
where have all the flu deaths gone?
I bet it’s covid.

so nix the vaxxes
we don’t need no great reset
masks off: No covid!

Future Con

by the glare of the chemical sun
we’ll know we’ve been conned

in the shadow of buzzing towers
we’ll know we’ve been had

but if these leaves be found
in the alleyways of the future

let them be bound in a book of magic
data uncollected, unsecured

Your Move

The universe:
does it all make sense,
or is it out of whack?

Fascism wears a smiley mask.
fake consensus = censorship
settled science = political science

Who has the rights to this reality show?
Wipe clean the mirror.
What could possibly go wrong?

Remember, the door
to Nature and Spirit
is a quiet mind.

Stop doing what doesn’t work.
Listen for what is most true.
Do what moves you.

Vaccination is rape: A 3-part lesson plan

Vaccination is rape.

Compare and contrast:
Mandatory masks are foreplay;
Coerced vaccination is rape.

Complete the equation:
V =  _________.
Suggested answers: rape, child abuse, genocide, fascism, transhuman, evil, fake science, for profit, above the law, AI simulation, genetic modification, aborted fetuses, neurotoxins…

Covert Tunes

Where Have All the Flu Deaths Gone

(with a mournful air, to the tune of “Where Have all the Flowers Gone,” by Pete Seeger)

Where have all the flu deaths gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flu deaths gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flu deaths gone?
Covid claimed them every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

Where have all the old ones gone?
This year passing
Where have all the old ones gone?
Died all alone
Where have all the old ones gone?
Called them Covid every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

Where have all the children gone?
All in masking
Where have all the children gone?
Left all alone
Where have all the children gone?
Gone for vaccines every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time patriots
Where have all the soldiers gone?
For freedom all
Where are all the soldiers now?
Joined the people every one
Thank god they finally learned,
Thank god they finally turned.

Where have all the doctors gone?
Long time practicing
Where have all the doctors gone?
Long time our friends
Where have all the doctors gone?
Covid truthers every one
Now they will do no harm.
Now they will do no harm.


 (with apologies to J. Lennon)

Imagine there’s no covid
It’s easy if you try
No plague inside us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Knowing they’re okay… Aha-ah…

Imagine there’s no lockdowns
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to stay at home for
TV religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace… You…

You may say I’m a denier
But I’m not the only one
I hope today you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no fake testing
I wonder if you can
No need for masks or distance
A total vaccine ban
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…

You may say I’m a denier
But I’m not the only one
I hope today you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

Little Masklets

(after Malvina Reynolds, “Little Boxes”)

Little masklets on the sidewalk
Little masklets made of ticky tacky
Little masklets on the sidewalk
Little masklets all the same

There’s a pink one and a green one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same

And the people in the houses
All believed in the coronaspiracy
Where they were put under lockdown
And they stayed afraid all the same

And there’s doctors and lawyers
And business executives
And they’re all afraid of coronavirus
And they all sound just the same

And they all quote all the cases
And close all their businesses
And they all have masked children
And the children hear the lies

And the children go to vaccine camp
And then to the isolation pod
Where they’re given smart devices
And they end up all the same

And they can’t go into business
Or play sports or have a social life
In masklets made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same

There’s a pink one and a green one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they’re all made out of covid lies
And they all look just the same

The Bigger the Lie

(revising Jimmy Cliff, “The Harder They Come”)

Well, they tell me of a virus out in the air
Waiting for me so I die
But between the day you’re born and when you die
They never seem to hear even your cry

So as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna live for freedom, what’s ours
Because the bigger the lie,
The harder they fall, one and all
Ooh, the bigger their lie,
The harder they fall, one and all

Well, the oppressors are trying to keep me down
Trying to drive me underground
And they think that they have got the battle won
I say forgive them Lord, they know exactly what they’ve done

‘Cause, as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna live for freedom, what’s ours
Because the bigger the lie,
The harder they fall, one and all
Ooh, the bigger their lie,
The harder they fall, one and all

And I keep on fighting for the things I know
Though they tell my everywhere I can’t
But I’d rather be a free man in my light
Than living as a puppet or a slave

I’m gonna live for freedom, what’s ours
Because the bigger the lie,
The harder they fall, one and all
Ooh, the bigger their lie,
The harder they fall, one and all

Hey, the bigger the lie
The harder they fall, one and all
Hey, the bigger the lie,
The harder they fall, one and all
Hey, the bigger their lie,
The harder they fall, one and all

Walk for Freedom

(walking tempo)

Part A
Join’ us’ for’ free’-do’-m’ –‘ – ‘
|:AGCE GF3:|

Part B
Join’ us’ for’ free’-dom’ – ‘
Join’ us’ for’ free’-ee’ –‘
M: 6/8
|:AGC DG2:|

Interludes: pots and pans

Other Voices:
Gareth Icke Rally Rap
TNS Blanco Slam Poetry “FREEDOM”

Memes Against the Machine