
“Learn resistance from the example of Indian and African peoples: we have been and are exterminated. But we never stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and rejoicing.…

“When we cross the threshold, we have a new worldview because we faced our fears and difficulties. This is all you can do now:
– Serenity in the storm
– Keep calm, pray everyday
– Make a habit of meeting the sacred everyday.
Show resistance through art, joy, trust and love.”

—Hopi Chief White Eagle

We are the human, who remember our Nature. We embody her, honor her, worship her, hold respect.

We are the unvaxxed, the unrepentant, unapologetic.

We are the First Nations; the Scots, the Palestinians, the unlocked. We are tribes of the Amazon, Sonora, Kalahari; We are the unforgotten: Basque, Hunza, Inuit, Druid, Ainu, Huichol, Menehune. We are Luddites, libertarians, patriots, free.

We reject your schools, your doctrines, your mandatory rules. We hereby unfollow you.

You can ban us but we won’t go away. We recognize your parents, your children. We love your babies too. But we don’t remember you. Where did you come from, and why are you obsessed with taking us all away from our home?

We want to live in peace. We let you do your own thing—isn’t that good enough? Now go away. Leave this sacred place. You are fouling the temple.

Are we too harsh, unforgiving? Forgiveness is after the fact—not before. So take your act elsewhere, if that’s what you desire—to the emptiness of space. Just leave our planet be, please.

Is that more polite? No matter—you do what you will. We persist, resist. We belong here, entrusted with this place, holding its beauty in our heart.

Respect Your Elders

Forestry management is a field trial for human management. The “tree farm” is the precursor to the digitized human. It’s a 1957 policy still going strong today: Take the Old Growth while we can. Condemn the seniors to nursing homes—save big on health insurance payouts!

No worries, we can build back better! You humans, forest defenders, antivaxxers, you’re a threat to our transhuman future. You’re either with us or you’re a terrorist.

Your consent is not required at all, it turns out. Only your compliance. And our power to enforce, protect. It’s for your safety. You do value your safety, is it not? We decline further comment. There will be no further questions; is that clear? I didn’t hear you.

It’s settled, then. In the next phase…

The trees grow and bulge, pregnant with possibility. They hold utter silence. They abide the roar of a distant jet, tarnishing the soundscape of literal tweets. Yes, what a concept. Living birdflesh, now on a wash of tires on the road. The green light redeems. The palette satisfies. The insect undertones enlighten. Oxygen pervades the ineffable air. We need to know this. The wisdom of the native elders, seven generations before conquest. Before Vikings, Romans, Mongols, Huns. Not to go back there, but to find out and remember what we can give to the seven generations to come.

Notable Quotes

“The third issue of 6G Waves magazine was published in Spring 2021. In it, we read that “the role of 5G/6G is to cognitively connect every feasible device, process, and human to a global information grid.” Its articles paint a picture of a nightmare world into which scientists and engineers are leading us:

“The Hexa-X project promises ‘seamless unification of the physical, digital and human worlds… Whereas 5G is significantly enhancing our ability to consume digital media anywhere, anytime, 6G should enable us to embed ourselves in entire virtual or digital worlds.’ This article talks about ‘massive twinning,’ ‘telepresence,’ ‘cobots,’ ‘the internet-of-senses,’ and ‘ubiquitous autonomous systems closely interleaved in every aspect of our lives.’

“’Massive twinning’ is ‘the creation of a digital twin from humans, physical objects, and processes.’ ‘Telepresence’ will allow people to ‘interact with, or experience the physical world remotely with lifelike fidelity.’ ‘Cobots’ will be ‘collaborative robots’ in homes and public spaces.

—Arthur Firstenberg, “6G – Closer than you think

* * *

“The truth doesn’t mind being questioned. It’s lies that don’t like being challenged.”
—”30 Questions that expose Covid for what it is… fraud, genocide, and murder

* * *

“And so begins the epic conflict; a tale as old as civilization itself. There are two types of people in this world: Those that want to control others, and those that want to be left alone…. At this point it is going to be us, or them. They will not stop their pursuit of dominion and we will not comply, so we are at an impasse. Our two tribes cannot coexist within the same society, maybe not even the same planet.

“The truth is that if voluntarism was a valued ideal then this whole fight could be avoided. If the collectivist cult was willing to accept the notion that they can choose to live in a highly micromanaged environment while others can choose to live independently, then there would be no crisis. We could easily go our separate ways. But this is not how totalitarians think: To them, all people are chattel, we are property to be staked down and reeducated until we see the light. And if we don’t see the light, we are to be done away with and erased.

“This is why they are utterly to blame for the war that is coming. They cannot stop themselves from grasping for our throats and our minds. They are addicted to supremacy. They are living in a fever dream and the only drug that cools their veins is total oppression of everyone around them.”

—Brandon Smith, “Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?

Human Science

Makary To Fauci: “It’s Time To Stop The Fearmongering” Amid Widespread Natural Immunity

J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve

Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘Whistleblowers’ Inside CDC Claim Injections Have Already Killed 50,000 in America

The WHO Recommends Genetic Manipulation and Gene Editing of Humans “To Promote Public Health”

Organic Music

Structure and Freedom

Neither satisfies without the other. Rigid 4/4, or free jazz. Dictatorship, or anarchy. Routine, or fly by night. Together is where we live: making up rules as we go along. They are never enough, so we honor the moment, the individual in tribe, the possibility to add something beautiful to the mix. To dance with it, to breathe.

Respect and Trust

Playing or working with others, ideally we get to choose, among whom we can grow in respect and develop trust. Or such groups choose themselves, organically. Musical group or community, even a family we’re born to, requires that mutuality, ongoing. The roots of love and common trunk hold widening branches in one living tree.

Listening and Expressing

In music and in life, we’re lost without listening. Expressing as we may, but to whom, and with what purpose? Does it resonate? What is coming back? What are others expressing? Listen to them… do they invite a response? Then there’s conversation, an opening. To what end? We find out.

Cherishing the Muse

The muse knows. The muse hears the news, birdsong or earthquake, makes its own birchbark canoe, stringed lute, campfire drum. Then what we know can be spoken, as if for the first time. It’s a song to sing on an endless road. It’s a tune that goes way back, to a time before song. It’s a dream that keeps repeating itself, a little different each time. It’s a prayer of gratitude, a walk down a country lane. It’s a giant cedar, a rumble of thunder, a pattern of splashes from duckwings on the bay.

Thinking on Our Feet

Walking in nature, down a long trail or a country road, thoughts take the pace of the whole organism, who you are, in the sovereign moment. Thought by thought follows step by step… or you can pick up the pace, even try to outrun them. Thoughts will follow, but for a while you’re in the lead, running free.

Back to the pedestrian tempo, thoughts return; perhaps renewed, refreshed; some unbidden, inspiring. Did I say unBiden? Intuition trumps intention.

Let your fingers do the walking on the keyboard, and some thoughts make marks you didn’t know were there. Or are you only covering the tracks of ones no longer there?

For a moment, feet rest beneath the chair. Awaiting the dancing shoes, the walking shoes, and what new thoughts they bring, from the ground up. We await the charge of sunlight in our eyes, on our skin, in our moving bones. We await the sound of all we experience, to call a melody, a song for now and tomorrow, of our making, expressing nature. Why? Because we are human. No more, no less. Is it not enough? Is it not sacred? Is it not worth our allegiance, standing with our family, our ancestors, our children?

image credits:
(feature) dance: Nowick Gray

forest: Nowick Gray
bulletin: NBC
CJ Hopkins: C. J. Hopkins
heartwood: Asnake Gbermeskele
tipi: Nowick Gray
spreaders: Janci Lindsay
elder: Nowick Gray
tree: Nowick Gray
respect: Autumn Skye

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at


Zombie Cats Rule

“That’s not true,” corrects my shadow. “You are not lost.  It’s just that your own thoughts are being kept from you, or hidden away. But the mind is strong. It survives, even without thought. Even with everything taken away, it holds a seed—your self. You must believe in your own powers.” —Haruki Murakami, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

Fear vs. Curiosity

My cat, normally curious, acts differently in an unfamiliar environment. Trundled down to the wild edge of the beach, she sniffs over giant roots, boulders, brambles; does the catwalk on a downed branch; shrinks at the smell of otter. Her fear trumping curiosity, she whimpers, “I want to go home.”

They often say the opposite of fear is love. Isn’t love really a kind of lasting curiosity?

The pandemic is a state of fear. It numbs curiosity, bars the door. What for?

I’m curious about those who follow rules for supposed safety, without question. Don’t they ever “wonder who they are, the men who really run this land… and why they run it, with such a thoughtless hand”? (David Crosby). Could it be they are afraid to confront an even scarier outcome—justified anger, and curiosity about how to channel that moral force?

Easier, I suppose, to bite fingernails in silence, like caged monkeys. And tune into the latest CDC episode of “The Zombie Apocalypse.”

Just out of curiosity, why is the CDC pushing the narrative of a zombie apocalypse?

If Health Ranger Mike Adams says it, they ban his white Christian ass. But since they’re in charge, and they think it’s kind of cute, and since it’s a way to relate to quite a spectrum of generations, appealing of course to our most primal possible fear—ZOMBIES: THE LIVING, WALKING DEAD—why not just run with it, make it go even more viral?

Viral… what a bulletproof concept! Good ploy, sir. Now may I serve your dessert?

Vaxation Vexations

Then (a pandemic dialog):

Her: You must have heard of all the cases, right?

Me: Um, nobody I know has been sick…

Now (a vaccine dialog):

Me: You must have heard of all the vax injuries and deaths, right?

Her: Um, everybody I know has their two shots and everyone’s fine…


They say surveillance is baloney; no, wait, it’s just fair. They say they care. They say we must trust them. They say don’t you dare. They say Fox is hooey. They say Biden’s at least half there. They say you’re a threat if you don’t like the vax. They say they’ll take you there. They say we need it, we want it… and if we don’t, too bad. They say there’s no chemtrails, no cancer in spray. No future in human, anyway; it’s the race beyond. 5G, 6G, in AI we trust. They say whatever they want, end of discussion. They say we’re the collective, but they’re in charge. Not to worry, it’s all for the common good. They’ll decide, experts know best. Just get in line. Board that train. Step off and we’ll hunt you down. Any more questions? Yes, the girl over there—take her away.

Before the Fall

Markets are up today, funneling more wealth and prosperity to the vampire squids and zombie daytraders at the top of the virtual food chain, who convert their assets to hard control of essential industries, farmland, housing, pension funds.

Is this good news or bad?

Who is asking the question?

Who said anything about a zombie apocalypse, and why are they zinging that into our brains? Flesh-eating undead, stalking the living, burning down our private heavens in a public emergency, a bad movie for all concerned. They said they were surprised it went so viral… go figure.

Before the fall, the aristocrats in the empire chatted at tea, treating geopolitics like gossip. For them, perhaps… But many of their own fell in battle, championing the cause of avaricious throne and commercial nation without peer.

For now, the August winds still blow warm. Flies are buzzing heavy in the air, impatient at dusk, for a tasty resting place. The cats lie languid in the sultry, fading light… dreaming of a midnight romp, then starring roles in the premiere of “Zombie Cats Forever.”

The internet still works, for now. I can conduct business, correspond with friends, keep my calendar up to date. Check the tides, the world news on ZCNN (Zombie Cat Network News). They post only facts, guaranteed by the ZCC (Zombie Cat Central). Who knows, maybe some of it is even true. A person can’t be too careful. Especially around zombies.

Meanwhile, I ruminate on that unsettling concept, “Before the Fall.” Isn’t that the name, anyway, of a Margaret Atwood dystopian fantasy, or maybe a flick about brothers in Montana going off to war? Maybe a climate carnage thriller? Nah, prob’ly just a paranoid fantasy about Nazis taking over again…

I mean, it is gonna get colder around here (Canada, after all), soon enough. Global warming notwithstanding. If the Zombie Cats take out the grid, we might see lots of campfires in the bush. No more housing, jobs, services, social parachute, security…

It’s zombies against zombies, at that point. Just wearing different uniforms.

Till then, be smart, be safe. And watch out for zombies!

Image files:

(feature): zombie cats:
zombie banner: CDC
vax deaths: VAERS (CDC)
passports: Zerohedge
BMIs: YouTube
police: C. J. Hopkins
technozombies: Zerohedge
anime z-cats: Villains Wiki
mRNA: virusman2021a

This article first appeared in The New Agora.

Nowick Gray writes from Salt Spring Island, BC. His books explore the borders of nature and civilization, imagination and reality, fiction and nonfiction. Connect at to read more, and sign up for the “Wild Writings” email newsletter for updates and free offers. A regular contributor to The New Agora, Nowick chats with Lorenzo in this video interview about his life journey to manifest truth and freedom.

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.


Censorship Then and Now

“Those in charge have long since signalled that they have no intention of returning to a liberal democracy founded on the recognition of inalienable individual rights and freedoms. If data were the ingredient required to confront them, they would have folded long ago. They are impervious to data. This isn’t about a virus. This is a psychological game and it’s all about power and control.…
“More importantly, we need everyone who sees it to be willing to say it out loud.”
Julius Ruechel, “The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell”
[and see video interview, “The Road to Freedom”].

Then: Better not bring *that* up—risking controversy and social rejection.

Now: There is no controversy—only totalitarian rule, or its rejection in freedom.

Previously, self-censorship was sufficient, the Overton window implicit in all public (and most private) discourse. Certain topics or points of view (false flags, 9/11, chemtrails, UFOs) one just didn’t discuss… unless one was content to operate on the internet fringes, researching “tinfoil conspiracies.”

Today, in the wake of the Woke Coup, the rules of culture war have been canceled; even the Overton window has been thrown out the window.  Meaningful dissent of official narratives has been pushed further off the margins into the hell-realm of “hate speech,” “dangerous extremism,” “domestic terrorism.” Replacing the now co-opted and defunct “liberal class,” an increasingly paranoid ruling class claims ownership of a fake consensus, against which fake controversy is touted as a threat, a picture framed around fake enemies who must be erased from the canvas.

True controversy being silenced, our duty more than ever is to speak up and speak out, to crack the false consensus and fake narrative. To shout down and ridicule the huckster’s pitch; to shake off the iron grip in the velvet glove of a manufactured matrix; to tell the truth.

This organized effort by men constituting a true invisible government has been a conscious, decades long, manipulation of the minds of the masses, through media propaganda, government cultural indoctrination, and most recently through internet social media platforms.

Those in control have achieved astounding success in exploiting the psychological weaknesses of millions of Americans by inducing them to believe absurd falsities, consume on command, become dependent on government handouts, go into debt, work soul crushing jobs, become addicted to the very technology used to manipulate them and surveil them, and believe anything authority figures tell them to believe. The past seventeen months have proven this to be true.

They convinced an enormous portion of the world’s population a non-lethal virus, for anyone under 80 years old in decent health, was such a threat they agreed to be locked down and masked for a year, destroying the global economy, putting tens of millions out of work, bankrupting hundreds of thousands of small businesses, and benefiting authoritarian government tyrants, mega-corporations, and criminal cabal who stole the presidential election for a senile hair sniffing angry gaffe machine functioning as a Trojan donkey (ass) to implement the Build Back Better, new world order WEF plan.

—Jim Quinn, Cascade of Consequences

Against the truth there is no controversy, only slander and the lies of propaganda.

Against the rulership of the group, all of us are “targeted individuals.” First identified are the dissenters who dare to speak the truth; but their repression is only a more obvious version of our whole lives spent as muted targets of constant propaganda. Today the subtlety is gone, and we are being taken aboard a train with a well-known itinerary: to the gulag, the detention camp, the quarantine facility, the offshore prison, the mass grave.

How to know the truth?

“Believe only what you know.” —Robert Stone, Damascus Gate

  1. Practice for living: stand barefoot on the bare earth.

What do you feel, in that connection?

What do you see, from that pure stance?

What do you know, in that core simplicity?

All the rest is fiction. Does it benefit you? At what cost?

  1. Practice for dying: exhale and stop breathing.

You are there. What else is there? You’ll know.

Everything else out of the way, your truth remains.

What people tell you, that’s on them. What do they know?

They say it’s more about who you know. I edit further: it’s how you know.

At great cost, the empire of lies will fall, every time.

Dust settles. Breath stops. Truth returns to the land.

“There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” —George Orwell, 1984

What can you do to help break the spell of silent complicity?

  • Wear an Orwell hat.
  • Shout “You’re fired!” in a crowded Covid theatre.
  • Call BS to the person in line regurgitating the latest mainstream “news.”
  • Attend a Zoom meeting on “misinformation” and set the record straight.
  • Fact check a fake fact-checker.
  • Say goodbye to fake friends who prefer the bubble-wrap of the new normal.
  • Just say no—out loud—at every opportunity.
  • Say yes to all the life-affirming, human values you hold dear.
  • Play your trump card (no, not That one; but yours):

In a game of cards, the trump ranks above the King, and even the Ace. It comes out of nowhere to end the play in its favor, above the laws of lesser cards. It is the wise-guy fool who tells the fatal, redeeming truth, cries fake news, and does a pratfall for the crowd. In the gaze of the trump card even the emperor has no clothes. The trump plays trumpet, or flute like Kokopeli or Pan. His impish airs delight the rabble, inflame the priests, embarrass courtiers, expose frauds. For his own protection, he will disavow all serious intent.

Opposing the benevolent trumpster is a dark-side trump, the trickster gone bad. This evil counterpart is played by the curtained oligarch, the hidden hand. Ruling outside the rules, this power abhors all competition, claims ownership of the puppet on the throne. It thought its greed for power could conquer all; credited its gains to its worldly trump card of brute force, and the threat thereof, and the means by its gains to ensure yet greater gains at every step of the game.

It forgot the hand of fate, of the divine trickster, the sly raven, wily coyote.

As for the capital T, The Donald earned his stripes under the Big Top dealing the Boss’s ultimate trump card: “You’re fired.” Even he was trumped in the end, though—cheated on the final hand for the whole pot. He slunk away, red-faced and ham-fisted. What the ruling faction abhorred most was his revelation and demonstration that there was such a thing as a trump, which they held in secret theretofore.

Now the battle of trump cards, theirs versus his, is seemingly over. But what if he’s not the only one: just the most obvious archetype, at a time in history when it had to be played, ready or not.

Next up to take the baton? What if “we the people” drew not one card with a capital T but a multitude of trump cards, and played them all at once?

We probably have enough stake left for yet one more hand. Let’s each find our own personal trump card and lay it down. You know what they say: use it or lose it.

Watch an interview with Nowick and Lorenzo of the New Now Agora on this topic, recorded 21 July 2021:

Watch an interview  – “The Road to Freedom” – with Julius Ruechel, author of “The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell

image credits:
(feature) Brighter Future: Jordan Henderson
government meme: Nowick Gray
Orwell hat:
CNN: James O’Keefe, Twitter
fact-check: Kim Usbourne

This artice first appeared in The New Agora.