Turning for Home

On Family Trees, Marginalized

This is not about racism, or ancestral lineage. It’s our kinship with trees, and what that tells us about any other family, tribe, or species; any Other: Not Like Us. The other is the faceless face of our primal fear, of the unknown.

What is known is our fear response: from war and mob violence, to cowering obedience.  To slake the fear, badges of rank and title are conferred on the alpha who exterminates the most “others.” Social engineers stand by studying, how to improve the next media-massage, to trigger whatever response is further required.

Meanwhile, standing watch, between the highway and the houses, is a thin margin of trees. No more than two or three wide, modest size, with sparse underbrush. They make no comment as I pass, on foot. Or I cannot hear them over the swish of tires, the hum of wires.

These treefolk, too, are Others, survivors in the margins. Grateful to be still alive, to breathe island air and host a few desperate birds—who are part of those family trees, and their subjugation, on display as the inheritors of their kind.

Speaking of wildlife, farther down the road, beside a solid wood fence, lies the carcass of a deer, victim of hit and run. Fur whitened with lime, it grins up with a desiccated grimace, a reminder of life’s fate in the slim margin between the fast lane and the high wall.

In the next chapter in human history, where do we draw the line to “Other”?

How does the land begin to be divided—and how does that end?

Do we consider the ground the line is drawn on to be sacred?

Some of us know how to do this. Some, that is, who are still with us from the whole family tree.

Some of us got here by their lightness of being and not by the weight of their spurs.

Some got here the hard way, in order to show us the longer story of what it takes to survive, in a much bigger picture than “history” or even “human.”

This is the next chapter in being human. To look beyond the uniform, the weaponry, the fatal and murderous pride. Naked, perhaps, we can start to get a glimpse of where we came from, who we are, and where we fit with each other’s fundamental facts, masquerades notwithstanding.

Once there, in the infinite diversity of the natural human being, we might begin to imagine seeing the natural world, and each other, in the way of the indigenous, mystic, or ecologist, child or poet—not as “Other,” but as “Another.”

On Equity and Inclusion

Recently on a Facebook thread following this post…

… a Jewish person took offense to the comparison, and then the silliness began.

I jumped into the fray: “Surely we can find common cause against fascism everywhere it rears its offensive head?”

A young wokester responded with the following mini-lecture from her favorite “equity and inclusion strategist”:

me: “What a great example of gaslighting as a strategy to further divide victims of oppression. None have a monopoly on virtuous victimhood. The solution is not for marginalized subgroups to attack each other, but to find solidarity and mutual support in fighting all the forms of oppression against humanity.”

she/her: “You as a privileged old white male have no perspective on oppression.”

me: “When I am discriminated against, I am marginalized. Skin color is not the only criterion.”

she/her: “Not eating at a restaurant is trivial, and in this case, denying you that privilege is justified.”

me: “Now we’re getting silly, First, you, white, say that I, white, cannot comment on the perspective of an oppressed person. Then when I say I am oppressed, you say that is justice. Note: Lunch counter sit-ins were not just about lunch.”

Young white privileged female flees into cyberspace, deleting her comments on the way out.

On Torches and Pitchforks

As polite Canadians and privileged Americans we are not used to the burden of social activism. We’d prefer to play by the rules, as we were instructed from day one of our school-regimented and media-indoctrinated youth. With government overreach tearing apart the tissue of our everyday lives, however, and meanwhile legislatures on hold and the legal system overwhelmed, we are left with no recourse but the proverbial torches and pitchforks. Here are a few exmples of grassroots action and personal courage in speaking out against tyranny:

Trudeau hounded out of neighborhoods

San Diego school board called out by angry blonde “Mama Bear”

Tactics against tyrants

Police of conscience against vaccine mandates in the workplace

Former FDA bigwig breaks silence

On Community Health Advice from our Island Trustees

A post appeared in our island news exchange addressed to the community, signed by members of the local government, urging all citizens to take the jab, for all the usual suspect reasons.

Freshly inspired by some of the local activism cited above, I felt compelled to respond:

Dear Trustees,

I am appalled by your recent post in the Salt Spring Exchange urging Salt Springers to undergo an experimental medical procedure with amply documented harms: for example, already causing more verified deaths than all vaccines combined over the last thirty years (VAERS); not to mention the expert testimony regarding serious potential for even greater long-term harm.

If you are not aware of such harms or expert testimony, you have no business steering your community down that road. If you are aware, then I wonder what coercion you are under to take such a stand, and what legal protections you expect to shield yourselves from liability… not to mention, the reservations of your own conscience.

The same goes for the Covid measures in general. Again, you must be aware by now of the miniscule harm to society of this virus (which has never been isolated), compared to the demonstrable harms in far greater measure from masking, distancing, and lockdowns.

If you truly want to serve your community and advocate for public health, please expand your research past government and big pharma talking points (actually proven lies and dangerous misinformation), and help us resume our lives and businesses with our natural and constitutional rights and freedoms (and natural immunity) intact.

Turn for Home

the end of the road
out past the last encampment
we remember home

the quiet harbor
lies within reach, beckoning—
here we make our stand.

image credits:

(feature) harbor: Nowick Gray
tree: Nowick Gray
Hungary: Qtime Network
gaslight: Softieshan
double standard: facebook
rulers: gocomics.com
tested: facebook
mask up: highwire

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.


The First Mistake

by William T. Hathaway

Establishment journalists and politicians are despairingly asking: Why did we fail in our well-meaning efforts to help the Afghan people? What were our mistakes?

But they ignore their first mistake: creating the Taliban.

The USA’s attempts to dominate Afghanistan and its resources began 40 years ago when Jimmy Carter in one of his last acts as president approved a CIA plan to overthrow the Afghan government. That government was no more dictatorial than others in the region, and it was implementing most of the humanitarian programs the USA later claimed it wanted to do: Women had equal rights and access to education, the country had freedom of religion and a well-functioning healthcare system. The rural infrastructure was being improved, and the standard of living was increasing. But the government was communist, and that meant it had to go, no matter how many people had to die.

The people most willing to die killing communists were the fanatical Muslims, who hated this secular government. The CIA helped them attack it, starting with raids on outposts and assassinations of local officials. The government asked the Soviet Union for help, and they sent in troops. The CIA stepped up its involvement, recruiting thousands of mujahideen fundamentalists, financing them, turning them into an army, and launching a full-scale war that brutalized the country for ten years and left two million dead, many of those children who starved in all the chaos. All the young people growing up knew was war. Atrocities were their norm, and they duplicated that later when they became Taliban fighters.

Osama bin Laden and others who later formed the al-Qaeda and Taliban were all on the CIA payroll then fighting the communists. After they won the war, it was inevitable they’d take over the country. They were the strongest force.

Once the Taliban were in power, the USA wasn’t concerned they were persecuting women, gays, and non-Muslims. They were just one of the many dictatorships the USA does business with and doesn’t object to.

That changed, however, when the Taliban became anti-capitalist, as they shifted away from a corporate-dominated economy and towards Islamic socialism. That made them a danger to Western interests. The final straw was when they refused to allow a US company to build an oil pipeline through the country.

Suddenly the Western press was full of atrocity stories – some true, some lies – about how terrible the Taliban were. They became monsters who must be destroyed before they take over the world.

The USA invaded with a massive land and air assault, conquered Kabul, and installed a figurehead president who had previously worked for the US company that wanted to build the pipeline. He was their guy, and the pipeline was at the top of his agenda.

The Taliban merged back into the rural population, where they have deep roots. To find and kill them, the USA and its NATO partners unleashed a campaign of terror – house raids, brutal interrogations, drone strikes, infantry sweeps – that divided the rural population into two groups – the dead and the determined. The survivors were filled with the will to resist, and that proved stronger than American bombs and bullets. With the support of the people, 60,000 Taliban fighters triumphed over 300,000 soldiers in the government army and thousands of NATO troops financed by trillions of US dollars.

The minority who didn’t support the Taliban retreated to Kabul, and now the stories of their trying to flee the country are being used as propaganda to build the myth that the USA, although it unfortunately failed, was trying to do good and defeat evil. But now in the countryside most people are celebrating their victory over mighty America.

This was truly a people’s war, as in Vietnam. The Afghans and Vietnamese proved that the USA can’t win a war against a country in which the majority of the people oppose them. Their victories are a tribute to the strength of the human spirit and a damning judgment of the USA’s attempts to destroy it.

Defeated on earth, the USA is now planning to wage war in space.

In the meantime, the surviving earthlings have learned a valuable lesson: If you unite, organize, and fight long and hard enough, you will win and free yourself from oppressors, whether it’s the USA or the forces it helped create: the Taliban and al-Qaeda.


William T. Hathaway is a Special Forces veteran of the US war on Vietnam. He is the author of Radical Peace, People Refusing War, which tells the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists from the USA, Iraq, and Afghanistan:
and of Lila, the Revolutionary, a fable for adults about an eight-year-old girl who sparks a world revolution for social justice:


Apartheid 2021

“The B.C. government has announced a plan to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination for anyone who wants to attend a concert, sporting event, movie, restaurant, nightclub, casino or fitness class….

“Henry said that unvaccinated people currently account for about 90 per cent of COVID-19 cases in B.C., and 93 per cent of hospitalizations. The risk of infection is about 10 times higher for people who aren’t vaccinated, she said.”

CBC News, 23 August

Fact-check: see “How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative”

Who scripted this regime change?

A porridge of pressure-cooked statistics is delivered to our cell doors. The cook says the recipe is classified, a matter of national security. The banquet table, spread with inconvenient truths, is knocked over by a hired squad of brownshirted teenagers. Scattered on the floor I find fragments…

Apartheid Glossary

Apartheid (Oxford Dictionary)

  1. historical (in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.
    • Segregation on grounds other than race.


The action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.


Relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.


  1. A government, especially an authoritarian one.
  2. A system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above.


coined by Italian dictator Mussolini:

“The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State… makes its action felt throughout the length and breadth of the country by means of its corporate, social, and educational institutions, and all the political, economic, and spiritual forces of the nation.” —Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism (1935)

“Why is fascism so commonly associated with genocide…? It is because it needs a unifying force powerful enough to sweep aside all resistance. The ‘ us’ of fascism requires a ‘them’. The civic-minded moral majority participates willingly, assured that it is for the greater good. Something must be done. The doubters go along too, for their own safety. No wonder today’s authoritarian institutions know, as if instinctively, to whip up hysteria toward the newly minted class of deplorables, the anti-vaxxers and unvaccinated.” —Charles Eisenstein, “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed”


The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.

We are all too familiar with previously disallowed states of mandated inequality:

  • Racial segregation (South Africa, American South)
  • Gender discrimination (Women’s vote, Salem witch trials)
  • Religious persecution (Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, etc.)
  • Lack of accessibility for disabled (Social Darwinism)

The latest restrictions—based on an experimental medical procedure without fully informed consent—follow the familiar characteristic of all these forms of apartheid: a normative standard of “Fitness.”

It’s an apt concept, considering how everything in the new regime must serve its agenda. A litany of skewed statistics, a mumbo jumbo of priestly propaganda, a toxic brew of censorship and fake news, lies of omission and distortion… the only requirement is that every board-certified “fact” must Fit the Narrative.

“Today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups… So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms… And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.” —Philip K. Dick

The narrative is the means to advance and justify the agenda. Universal vaccination is both the means and the end. The goals represent the gains to the fascist regime, the twin engines of corporate and state power:

  1. Guarantee Profit (corporate)
  2. Establish Control (state)
  3. Eradicate Dissent (state)

The result is the reinforcement of the totalitarian regime, in this case global in scope, with its tentacles extending to every nation, region, organization and community. None are exempt, on pain of excommunication, exile, extortion, extinction.

The new global totalitarian program stands on six spider legs:

  1. compliance (or not) registered in a central database
  2. tech interface (5G/6G and biodigital nanotechnology)
  3. social credit system to penalize noncompliance
  4. regime-controlled media, social media, education
  5. ongoing censorship and surveillance
  6. ban of social and cultural gatherings of the minority

The Weapon of Primal Herd Fear


  • Every death was a Covid death.
  • Set PCR test at 40 cycles to create false positives and call it covid.


  • No deaths are a vaccine death.
  • Set PCR test at 28 cycles to reduce cases and credit the vaccine.

Charles Eisenstein looks beneath the issues of “science” to more primal forces driving the human herd to the brink:

“The fear operating in the ostracism of the unvaxxed is mostly not fear of disease, though disease may be its proxy. The main fear, old as humanity, is of a social contagion. It is fear of association with the outcasts, coded as moral indignation…. In any society some people are especially zealous in enforcing group norms, values, rituals, and taboos. They may be controlling types, or they may simply care about the common good. They serve an important function when the norms and rituals are aligned with social and ecological health. But when corrupt forces hijack the norms through propaganda and the control of information, these good folks can become instruments of totalitarian control.”

Hug a Human

“So you can eat at that restaurant and I can’t?”

Until now, our differences, in Western so-called democracies, have represented a healthy diversity. Our fundamental human rights enshrined in the American Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been held sacrosanct. No more. Our collective solidarity as democratic citizens has been sacrificed by our national and state/provincial leaders on the altar of a coerced medical experiment. Under the battle-tested fascist banner of “public safety,” even the Nuremburg Code is canceled.

Dissenters are demonized, segregated, discriminated against, excluded from normal social and cultural life. With the lockdowns we all got a taste of their prison-model solution. Now the good soldiers and virtuous among us will be rewarded with the illusions of freedom and safety, shielded from contamination with the infidels, the barbarians, the heathen, the unbelievers.

“The wild pig that prefers the farmer’s corn to the freedom of the forest soon find itself behind a locked gate.” —Julius Ruechel

A barrage of empty statistics paints a lie too big to fail over a canvas of inconvenient truths: that 99.85% of us were never in danger; that the “vaccine” is not a vaccine; that it will not prevent infection or transmission; that numbers of post-jab deaths and injuries are unprecedented; that safe alternative treatments are outlawed; and the one-and-only “cure” was engineered to force the human body a) to manufacture toxic spike proteins and b) to trigger a potentially lethal immune response.

What happened to “We are all in this together”?

What happened to natural herd immunity?

What happened to the rule of law?

What happened to critical thinking and minority dissent?

What happened to the doctors’ oath, to do no harm?

What happened to transparency and accountability?

What happened to the scientific method and open debate?

What happened to liberal democracy?

What happened to our Canadian values of tolerance, diversity, accessibility, inclusion?

On the lighter side, we can now look forward to some scenes familiar to students of uncensored history, or our few surviving old-growth humans:

— lunch counter sit-ins against discrimination

— red stars for the virtuous, yellow stars for the shunned

— tarring and feathering rabble-rousers

— masked vigilantes of the Pfizer Youth keeping our streets safe

— separate restroom facilities for “Pure” and “Unclean”

Citizens of Earth, 2021, meet Alabama, 1961. Meet South Africa, 1981. Meet Palestine. Meet Tibet. Meet East Germany. Meet Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua. Look in the mirror and see, if you dare, Rwanda, and the Residential Schools. See the punched and pepper-sprayed at Fairy Creek. Welcome to the Third World Order. Slaves—colonized, divided and conquered—bow now to your new masters, and offer your neck, your limbs, to chains.

Sorry, scratch all that. Instead, hug a human.

Funny thing is, we really are all in this together. Not to buy a bogus amulet for an overrated bug—but to recognize the healthy life force in each other, still shining with our common humanity.

Remedies, Redemption


  1. Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.
  2. An independent trade union movement in Poland that developed into a mass campaign for political change and inspired popular opposition to communist regimes across eastern Europe during the 1980s.

In the waning days of the greater Soviet Union and its satellite states in Eastern Europe, Poland led the way out with its Solidarity movement. Progressive forces in the West historically have allied under the same banner with oppressed peoples the world over—from Palestine and Central America to Standing Rock and Fairy Creek. The Civil Rights movement invited sympathizers from the North to join in the freedom marches. The time has come again to join in solidarity for health freedom.

  • Picket and boycott all businesses complying with discrimination.
  • Picket government buildings.
  • Stand up for your human rights enshrined in your Constitution and the Nuremburg Code, which forbids coerced medical experimentation.
  • Sign and share the petition to stop vaccine mandates and passports: org
  • Stand together for freedom. Speak out for freedom.

“Currently the regime is manufacturing an illusion of consensus to use herd instinct as a means of control. But the moment we deprive the herd of the comfort of consensus, we will be in the driver’s seat. Breaking the illusion of consensus is what will give us the power to force the herd to think for itself. That is why it is so important that the silent good people speak out.” —Julius Ruechel

Join us and sing our truth: We are healthy, we are human, we are free.

Yes, we are the free ones, looking at you in your cage.

We stand outside and watch, and wait. When will you join us?

Remember, your turn will come. Will you join us then, or now?

Fairy Creek Hologram

  1. Camp gets raided; media bus gets trapped behind seven-foot deep trench dug by RCMP backhoe.
  2. A hundred forest defenders arrive and fill in trench, so bus can drive away.

Australia: Rubber Meets Road

“Powers the Australian police have been given include:

  • forcible entry into buildings
  • preventing people from moving about
  • quarantining people
  • making people take tests and undergo medical treatment
  • compelling people to give information”

—John Goss, “Australia – On the Brink of Total Fascism”


Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike

See also: Kit Knightly, “Australia is going full Fascist …but resistance is growing”

“We have to get connected… in a spiritual way; and that makes us invincible…. Never, ever give up.” —Reiner Fuellmich


“All I ever had:
Redemption songs…
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.”
—Bob Marley

Key Links

Dr. Simone Gold, “The Truth About the Covid-19 Vaccine”

Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Mike Adams: Covid crimes against humanity and the coming war crimes tribunals

Brandon Smith, “Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?”

VCC Position Paper on Elections: Principles over Party

VCC Position Paper on Covid19 Vaccine Mandates and Exemptions

image credits:

(feature) bonnie: Rainbow Trout
graph: Mark Trozzi
segregation: Getty/Nowick Gray
Australia: OffGuardian.org
run: ifunny.co
Trudeau: fakebook
cock brigade: zerohedge
choice: Kim Usbourne
forcedvx: David Dees
walkout: Canadian Frontline Nurses

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.