Zoom Out

In the psychedelic sixties, Timothy Leary famously advised the baby boom generation to “Turn on, tune in, and drop out.” Today in the grip of a worldwide pandemic of fear and control, our personal devices are always on; and we’re paradoxically being forced to drop out of previously normal social, cultural and economic life, while being practically forbidden to opt out of a medical mafia squeeze play. Interpersonal encounters are masked or virtualized, as we Zoom in to learn more about what is really going on. The results of that nano-scale research gives us pause, and our balancing response is to zoom back out, to gain a wider perspective on the big picture.

What is the problem, at the larger levels of scale? And what are the overarching solutions that bring accountability to the global players and their microscopic miscreations?

Truth and Reconciliation for the Last Nations

All humans are treated now like the First Nations have been: under subjugation, assimilation or eradication, forcibly removed from our former, traditional ways of life. In the current era of global takeover, we live in the Last Nations—conquered and colonized this time by bureaucratic fiat and technocratic sleight of hand, into the New World Order (rebranded as the Great Reset).

The last five days of September were designated as Truth and Reconciliation Week, to remember the historical crimes of physical and cultural genocide against the original peoples of North America. When will we recognize and take action against the new crimes perpetrated upon all the peoples of the world by a synthetic totalitarianism?

It doesn’t matter if you live in Lithuania or Australia, Canada or Indonesia. The WHO and the CDC rule over all, beholden to Gates and the WEF, bent on a transhuman agenda of depopulation with survivors locked into a digital control grid.

With Nationalism decried as a relic, Freedom denigrated as selfish, Truth and Science announced by decree, Health wholly captured by bioweaponry, how can there be Reconciliation with our precious humanity?

Where are the memorials to our children in masks, our elders dying alone, our healthcare workers and military summarily terminated, our businesses commandeered to enforce an evidence-free apartheid?

Where the acknowledgment of sovereignty never surrendered? Where the apology for unceded bodily autonomy? Where the punishments and reparations for the lives cut short or irreparably diminished by force of policy? And by what authority is such policy declared and implemented?

Lacking such genuine authority, the ruling elite manufacture it and mass produce it through the media channels they own. The liturgy is then delivered from on high, meant to be digested like the sacramental body and blood of the god of love they killed in our name. “They” are the high priests of what former mainstream journalist Matt Taibbi calls The Cult of the Vaccine: “The only way to avoid the certain evil of audiences engaging in unsupervised pondering over information was to eliminate all possibility of subtext, through a new communication style that was 100% literal and didactic. Everyone would get the same news and also be instructed, often mid-sentence, on how to respond.”

When the cult are instructed to “Follow the Science,” it is code for the new fundamentalist religion.

Follow the Science of… God?

‘“There’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants.” Gov. Hochul added that the vaccine “is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God,” and said to her “smart” vaccinated supporters: “I need you to be my apostles.”’ —New York Governor Kathy Hochul

‘None of this makes any sense except as a means for control and cultural dominance.… What conceivable argument can be mounted to justify this mass firing of public health care workers in the name of protecting the public health? If you had to seek medical care at a hospital and are fully vaccinated — and thus, according to President Biden, face a “very low risk” of serious illness from COVID — would you rather be cared for by unvaccinated doctors and nurses who have worked in that facility for years, or National Guard officers or recently graduated students or retired people with “lapsed” medical licenses who, in a slapdash and manic way, have been tossed into the hospital to satisfy Gov. Hochul’s desire to punish the disobedient? Again, if you are vaccinated, why would you regard unvaccinated doctors and nurses as a risk to you? —Glenn Greenwald, An NBA Star and New York’s Governor Show That Liberal COVID Discourse is Devoid of Science

See also: One-World Scientism and its “Trust the Science” Refrain

The Silent Forty Percent

Both Clif High and Mattias Desmet speak of that middle section of the population, around forty percent, with the remaining sixty percent split into those whose minds are made up, either under the spell of the mass hypnosis or irrevocably awake to the gigantic con.  So far the “silent majority” in the middle are swayed by coercion, mass media, and peer pressure to remain silent while appearing to go along with the ruling agenda. Their loyalty is fickle, though; if presented with enough reality checks, their weight can shift rapidly into resistance.

How to leverage that shift, against the weight and force of Big Tech-Media-Pharma-Government? Mattias sketches a path forward blazed by Solzhenitsyn, urging our commitment to speak out while we still can. That courage helps to break the spell of the fake consensus; to share a counternarrative; and to inspire others to stand up for themselves too.

The overall field of battle (or divine play, as Krishna might put it) might be seen in a progression or sequence covering the following four critical areas. We start with a shared sentiment of common ground, empathy with all our fellow humans. They will start to take notice as more and more are betrayed in their formerly blind trust in authority—as lies surface, fraud is exposed, conspiracy proved.

Then the common fear of the virus is likely to shift to a new, more worthy object of anxiety: another increasingly visible enemy, those who engineered this planned exercise—an excuse for, and distraction from, the real agenda. The centrist population needs to realize it’s the rulers who fear their weight of numbers, as the ranks swell to damn the great reset to the technodystopian hell it was hatched from. Instead we set a renewed path to a natural future, a greater reset to core human ethics.

In the last few days I have noticed a number of formerly progressive, mainstream, or middle-of-the-roaders, with large platforms, reputations and followings, suddenly speaking out in clear and ringing truth about the unholy deception that has captured our world. These include former Guardian and Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald, former Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi, former Occupy voice Charles Eisenstein, and former democratic Congresswoman and Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, joining ranks of already outspoken experts and whistleblowers in all fields.

Charles Eisenstein in particular has leaped several mountain ranges over from his previous carefully guarded prevarications to appease his fan base and stick to his classical liberal, aesthetic–spiritual stance. In the last few months he has moved to confront issues of intolerance in speech, and misrepresentation of science. With his most recent post, “The Rehearsal is Over,” the gauntlet is thrown down. No more mister nice guy, this is Arjuna after his chariot chat with his blue god Krishna, riding into virtuous battle, not for victory but for justice: “God says, ‘Show me that you want a more beautiful world enough to actually risk something with no guarantee. Then you will see results beyond all reckoning.”

More timely and eloquent inspiration follows:

‘We are fighting for the end of the time of dictating each other’s choices, thinking I know better than you what you should be doing.

‘Bravery is not a personal achievement; it is a community function. It is a contagion. It is a mutual awakening.

‘It is the moment of truth over consequences.

‘If I am not brave, what reason have I to hope others will be? Courage and cowardice both are contagious. My choice establishes a principle of human nature. It declares not only who I am, but what a human being is. and what the world shall be. Each choice is therefore a prayer. Our choices scaffold divine creation.

‘That is why synchronicity so often congeals around bravery. Synchronicity is the snapping of the laws of probability as reality shifts to align with brave choices.’

Accountability: Who Will Enforce Justice?

In the TV series Pillars of the Earth, based on the historical novel by Ken Follett, the long-disputed title of Earl of Shiring is finally awarded to its rightful heir. But there’s a condition: the Crown will not enforce the transition from the current usurper. The rightful new earl will have to raise his own army to take what is his.

As it happens, the abused young wife of the false earl orders Shiring’s guard to stand down, and a one-on-one duel to the death settles the matter in favor of the righteous. But what about now? With lawless decrees ruling our lives, what recourse do we have to a return of power to the people?

Political insider Maria Zack discusses the situation—“the shadow government is being taken down”—with Canadian natural law proponent Christopher James (A Warrior Calls), outlining alternative means including military tribunals and local courthouse actions under common law. Supporting evidence is provided in data reveals such as the Pandora Papers and forensic audits of the US election.

According to Zack, the pyramid of power that needs to be called to account is headed by thirty-eight big cheeses calling the shots, including the usual suspects: Soros, the Pope, the Queen, the Rothschilds, Gates, Buffett, Fink, Bezos, Bloomberg, and Munger, to name a few. Not coincidentally, they have profited most from the reset they have orchestrated:  “The world’s billionaires gained $3.9 trillion while working people lost $3.7 trillion in 2020”(Colin Todhunter, The Fear Pandemic and the Crisis of Capitalism).

Below them, also operating in the shadows to carry out their agenda, are the agencies and operatives of the Deep State. Below them the bag carriers—politicians and NGOs—deliver these orders to the compliant masses.

While such an overview paints a large target easy to call “conspiracy theory,” the purveyors of the real-time conspiracy make no apology for their plan to save the planet… from us. “The World Economic Forum… far from being “shadowy” publish all of their plans on a glossy website and upload talks and panel discussions from their glitzy annual meetings at Davos” (Ian Jenkins). More detailed expositions of the intended global makeover are readily available in such critiques as 2030 Unmasked and The Viral Panopticon: Public Health’s Prison Planet.

As of this writing, the long overdue arrests and negotiations, plea bargaining and reparations, are yet to be forthcoming. In the meantime, Zack has simple but powerful advice: “Remove fear; remove the mask; go out and live your life.”

The Antidote

Metaphysical practitioner Rachel Elnaugh provides a truly zoomed out focus with her esoteric understanding of the Dark Forces playing out the end game on planet Earth, by whatever names we choose to call them: evil, satanic, ahrimanic (Steiner), reptilian (Icke), archontic (Gnostic), or wetiko (Paul Levy). I will summarize her presentation here.

The door (or floor) of human experience that offers  protection from these lower-dimension, parasitic, nonhuman energies/entities is made porous with cracks and leaks from trauma, especially in childhood.

How is trauma induced? The primal emotions when under threat, motivating the fight or flight response, are anger and fear, respectively. When parents and schools prevent either response, the emotional energy is trapped, frozen, and becomes toxic. Stress without outlet or expression becomes chronic; meanwhile emotions are shut down. The individual learns not to feel, and thus to become immune to empathy or compassion. Those most lacking in these attributes excel in politics or the military, banking or business, rising to the top, where they can exercise control over others without conscience.

Unresolved trauma creates vulnerability to triggering, and to traumatizing others (“Hurt people hurt people”). One type of response is to be “stuck on,” and to release the energy aggressively on others: the Persecutor. The other response is “stuck off”—depressive, anxious, fearful: the emotions of the Victim.

The antidote to this codependent trap is to recognize and transmute our unresolved trauma. Until then, as Jung so well expressed (“When a situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate”), life will keep throwing at us reiterations of childhood trauma so we can learn to heal.

A third, and most dangerous role in the psychodrama, is the Rescuer, who can play both the other roles and has to confront their own trauma history that has auditioned them into the drama. Nevertheless, myth paints the rescuer as the hero defending a people suffering from an enemy. Government deliberately has seized this role, with the script, “To save humans at risk from the invisible virus, I will keep you safe!”

The mass of us, already full of unresolved trauma ratcheted a hundredfold since March 2020, have responded with fear and fled the realm of common sense, giving the so-called rescuer our absolute trust.  The script and roles were well rehearsed already, since the Covid drama is a play within a larger play. The Climate Change Agenda premises a global threat to humanity, with the WEF and its Green New Deal as savior. An even longer-running hit play using the same three-character script stars a cast of Sinners, an angry and vengeful God, and a Messiah.

Unfortunately, the hero/rescuer—whether our governments, the globalists, or the Christian Church—by playing the game of masks instead of unveiling the dark forces of trauma, only perpetrates more of it, up to and including genocide.

Gabor Maté advises changing the script to healing by taking focus off the trigger, and turning it to the “unexploded bomb” of trauma held inside. Doing so widens our “window of tolerance” to influences of the outside world without getting triggered into fear or anger.

Instead, to heal our own trauma, we can pause to choose our response instead of unconsciously reacting to potential triggers. The antidote is stillness, meditation, spaciousness, slowing down. Music, harmony, dancing and singing all help to lift energies into harmonic resonance with nature. A healthy diet, pure water and fresh air (unmasked) likewise lift our vibration to a state of balance. Smiling, laughter, and humor also contribute to healing.

Wise words from the ages, to keep us zoomed out to our full potential, and zoomed in to what is holding us back within our own psyche. Tessa Lena adds another voice to summarize the challenge and opportunity before us:

‘The broken individual feels the need to develop “rules” for others to establish “predictability” and keep things under control. It’s all neurotic — but then, if he manages to interest others in this curious experiment or succeeds at scaring them, we end up with a world in which Eric Schmidt of Google and Klaus Schwab of the WEF decide what’s “good for us,” as we comply. We end up with a dictatorship of the people who forgot how to dance.
‘I believe that in some existential way, what’s happening right now is a result of that one day in the old village when that one guy succeeded at tricking or scaring everybody else out of their innate sense of self-love and self-trust. It’s that one day, many centuries later. And I feel that perhaps, we can revisit that choice, knowing what we know today.
‘We can decide, today, to trust ourselves and the universe and to stand by our instincts. We can make the move and forgive the confusions of the past and leave them behind. We can reach out to the universe, ask for help and guidance, and pray for healing and love from the heart. We can pray as free participants of the dance, not as scared servants.’

further research: Quarantine Reading List

image credits:

(feature) ministry: Nowick Gray
australia: flightradar24.com
totem: Nowick Gray
jesus: facebook
sheep: Jim Quinn
antidote: Rachel Elnaugh
freeze: Rachel Elnaugh
tyranny: cbc.ca

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.





Whose Side Are You On?

Human-to-human communication is not about taking dictation, but speaking our minds. Not shutting down others, and not allowing others to shut us down. When we have to compete with a technological monolith, a central news conglomerate, a digital virtual world overlay, we have to go outside those channels and meet face to face, heart to heart, mind to mind.

Put down the devices and go meet around the campfire or barbecue. And don’t settle for regurgitated fake news when it infects your neighbor’s speech. In contentious conversation online, chances are your dissension from the party line will be randomly smeared as “racism” or “hate speech.” What those labels really mean is, your speech is not allowed; it’s you that are hateful, by definition—because you disagree with the authority, the hierarchy, the power over the mass.

In another’s live presence, the labels peel off and we’re more likely to connect on common ground. But meanwhile, that insatiable central power has neared its goal of total and permanent control, and it smells your blood. By holding out, you threaten its overriding purpose. You have indeed become dangerous.

Ironically, not long ago the labels were reversed from where we are today. Research in 2009 showed that “conservatives tend to support hierarchy and authority more than liberals do.” What a difference a decade makes.

These days, American patriots are vilified by self-identifying leftists for advocating the very freedom their nation was founded on. Nationalism itself has been judged as passé, a Trumpian cardinal sin. In its place, the new patriotism worships, I suppose, Davos, or the UN, the Gates Foundation, the WHO, the World Economic Forum—in short, the global authority for managing What Really Matters—whether that’s the endless War on Terror, the Climate Emergency, or the Killer Virus.

Once entrusted with that sacred task, the ruling hierarchy claims impunity to use whatever means it deems necessary to achieve its aims. The Supreme Authority for Global Equality (SAGE) certainly cannot be blamed for taking full advantage of the opportunity posed by the window represented by Covid (as Klaus Schwab put it). Schwab’s gloating recalls Benjamin Netanyahu, who was quick to highlight the silver lining in the 9/11 events, the launch of an endless war against Israel’s enemies.

The rulers can be secretive or in our faces, and either way remain smug in their supposed invulnerability. But the smoke and mirrors of their historical mystique is wearing thin. Truth is shining through, and they will hear it now rising to a roar, to their dismay.

Grow Your Own Mind

A few years ago I head a quote which has been attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” Amid a plague of social media debates that invariably descend to (or are interpreted as) personal attacks, it’s apparent that our level of discourse has devolved and needs a reset. An internet search on the above quote led me to Celestine Chua’s excellent essay unpacking the three types of focus and advocating a more expansive view.

Chua isn’t saying some of us are better than others or have better minds. She is saying that each of us can operate from our small mind—limited in criticizing others or consuming packaged news—or we can seek higher ground and enlarge the scope of our concern. We can choose to focus on the actual issues instead of labels and personalities.

Chua outlines what is entailed: “Discussing ideas means not just taking what is presented to you, but digging deeper. Understanding root causes. Understanding how something came to be. Questioning realities. Identifying solutions.”

In the current toxic Facebook or Twitterverse, even such inquiry, offered as an antidote to division and an appeal to open exchange, would be branded as “alt-right” and thus dismissed by a person with the opposite agenda. Their aim, whether conscious or unconscious, is not to foster discussion, but to limit discussion in favor of the authority narrative, serving power and hierarchy.

Research by anthropologist Christopher Boehm shows that our propensity to default to hierarchical authority runs deep in our nature as primates: “When we don’t have the time, energy, inclination, or capacity to think carefully, we fall back on the notion that we should honor those with more power and prestige…. [Conversely,] when we can think clearly and at leisure, we are more likely to do so through the lens of equality.”

Overturning an entrenched power structure is no easy matter, for any primate society. Boehm outlines the dynamics at play and the options available:

‘If any one individual has the opportunity to climb the hierarchy, he or she is likely to seize it; unfortunately, as soon as power is gained, others resent it. In such a society, there are three potential outcomes. One is conflict, in which newcomers continually and overtly challenge the powerful for a position at the top. Another is stable dominance, where the powerful relentlessly and permanently dominate the rest. And a third is an equally stable social structure which Boehm calls “reverse dominance hierarchy,” in which those on the bottom of the pyramid figure out a way to band together and “deliberately dominate their potential master.” In such a society, dominance is still exercised. It just comes, collectively and consistently, from below.

‘Chimps, bonobos, and gorillas struggle to achieve stable reverse-dominance hierarchy. They can occasionally flatten their pyramids, but only briefly. The problem is that the powerful are likely to be strong, intelligent, and socially connected. To topple them, and prevent them from taking over again, you need a powerful and persistent threat, which nonhuman primates don’t have.

’Boehm finds that, to really maintain the new social order, the dominated need to trust one another. They must have stable social bonds and anticipate a long future together. Most important, they must be able to communicate effectively. To Boehm, therefore, there is something distinctively human about sustained equality: only human beings communicate well enough to keep it going for long periods.’

Quality communication emerges as the key to effective subversion of tyranny. Thus we see also the importance of propaganda and censorship for the ruling clique to counter resistance to their dominance. Additional pressure in the information war comes from the overload of input of all kinds, and in the distracting, isolating nature of social media and digital devices themselves.

‘If you’re at the top of a very hierarchical society and are absolutely determined to stay there, then you want three things. First, you want people to fear your power, so that they’re unwilling to risk toppling you. Second, you want to occupy people’s minds—and potentially, their bodies—so thoroughly that they’re mentally exhausted and oriented more toward hierarchy and authority than toward equality and justice. Finally, you want to make sure that those you dominate are unable to meaningfully communicate—or that, if they can, they are loath to trust one another in the long run. Division is your ally. Power wants the powerless to be scared, thoughtless, and alone.’ (Shamus Khan, When Does Equality Flourish?)

Real, two-way communication is empowering. It implies mutual respect between people of equal intrinsic value. That means all of us—however our attributes differ, before being dismissed and diminished with labels.

Labels for Dismissal

Full disclosure: Chua’s bio lists featured appearances in multiple mainstream news channels and government and business institutions. Yet taken at face value, her words meant as inspiration could be construed as radical or even dangerous in today’s ultra-polarized climate. Her bolded words—digging deeper, root causes, solutions—are calls to independent inquiry, analysis, and skepticism: thinking outside the box. On the basis of those seditious ideas alone, she would be branded a “conspiracy theorist” or worse.

Well, at least if she isn’t attacked by reputation or association, that’s a step in the right direction. But in the end, her ideas are decidedly provocative, if you’re defending authority at all costs.

Who is doing the dismissing of such ideas? Not just the liberal cheerleaders on Twitter or in the mainstream press, but friends I once respected for their “liberal” and progressive views. The way I knew them pre-covid was according to the first part of their new virtue buttons: “I have a healthy distrust of authority”; but lately they have shown themselves to betray that humanistic legacy with the bottom line of their mind-and-body, perhaps even soul, allegiance: “And I am vaccinated.”

Not About Me, Not About You

Returning to the question of focus—people, events, or ideas—if you favor authority, you will find a way to discredit or slander me, instead of addressing my ideas, facts or themes, the issues I raise. This typical diversionary ploy has a Latin tag: ad hominem, for an attack on the person instead of what that person is saying. Another folk saying gets it too: blaming the messenger.

Conversely, if I take issue with your point of view or policy, it is falsely perceived as a personal attack. This disagreement is not about me, and it’s not about you. It’s not about the who—the personality involved—but about the issues and policies we advocate and represent. Not about Biden or Trump, the Liberals or the Conservatives, woke or white, even left or right. These figureheads and labels distort and deflect the real argument, which comes down to tyranny or freedom.

When red-herring slurs such as fascist or nazi end up being applied to both sides, it’s a schoolyard shouting match instead of a useful discussion. But then, only one side really wants the discussion, anyway. And it’s not the gorilla at the top. As my father (self-identified “head of the household”) liked to announce, “End of discussion.”

Humans as long as we remain so will rightly ask, “Who gets to carve the watermelon?” Here again, the more useful and constructive answer is not about the who, but the why and how.

The Spell of Involuntary Servitude

While technology advances with quantum speed, human nature remains comically predictable. Witness Étienne de la Boétie’s 500-year-old tract, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (1553; free PDF download). The ancient Roman ploy of “bread and circuses” to spellbind the masses is well recognized: “Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn  to read by looking at bright picture books” (pp. 69–70).

Then as now, rulership rested not only on such strategies to mollify the masses, but also on a supporting cast (and class) of wannabe social climbers:

‘a hierarchy of subordinate allies, a loyal band of retainers, praetorians and bureaucrats… The hierarchy of privilege descends from the large gainers from despotism, to the middling and small gainers, and finally down to the mass of the people who falsely think they gain from the receipt of petty favors. In this way the subjects are divided,  and  a  great  portion  of  them  induced  to  cleave  to  the ruler, “just as, in order to split wood, one has to use a wedge of the wood itself.” Of course, the train of the tyrant’s retinue and soldiers suffer at their leader’s hands, but they “can be led to endure evil if permitted to commit it, not against him who exploits them, but against those who like themselves submit, but are helpless.” In short, in return for its own subjection, this order of subordinates is permitted to oppress the rest of the public.’ (Murray Rothbard, introduction to Boétie, pp. 28–29)

Cue the present-day VaxPass playbook, wedging employers and shopkeepers into the enforcement gap. Some will comply grudgingly, by that administrative coercion; others will relish the role, as it enables a psychological transfer of their own abuse to the end user, lower on the chain of coercion.

James Joyce’s short story “Counterparts” illustrates the chain of abuse, whereby a browbeaten office worker takes out his frustrations at home on his youngest son. If one is too bamboozled or afraid to look above to break out of the cage, one remains trapped in its live-wired loop of underlying anxiety, separation, and ungroundedness.

Acknowledging the Real Fear

Conventional wisdom says fear of death from the killer virus drove herd compliance with draconian lockdowns, masks, and untested injections. Yet where is the fear of vaccine deaths? Not only is it absent from media coverage, in favor of the ever mounting covid “cases”; it is trumped by an overriding fear—of disapproval, of bucking authority, of rocking the political boat.

The real fear is of disobedience, especially now that the political boat is captained by pirates, relentlessly cracking the whip. Consequences in modern society are not only physical but legal, financial, social and psychological. So what is the most vital truth serum, to unseat this imposter ruling the roost with fear?

Betrayal—exposure of the lie. When the vax deaths, in our own experience, outnumber covid deaths, the risk/benefit equation is flipped. As John Manley reports, “A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis [in Toxicology Report] showed very conservatively that there are five times the number of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19.”

Even when the covid side is grossly overestimated as shown in polling surveys, the growing number of personal acquaintances falling ill and dying will accumulate with visceral and emotional impact outweighing the media wurlitzer virtual case numbers.

The ruling narrative, armed with its double layer of fear, inevitably breaks down when the authority behind it betrays the public trust so egregiously.

Breaking the Spell of Mass Hypnosis

Mattias Desmet delves into the psychological causes of our mass hypnosis (in Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking in This Time of Crisis) and identifies four endemic conditions of modern life:

  • free-floating anxiety
  • social isolation
  • lack of sense-making
  • a mechanistic worldview

Cast adrift and alone in this chaotic world, we crave order; and sadly, the stricter the better. Desmet suggests taking aim at the hypnotic spell with the arrow of humor, pricking the ridiculous, and the slingshot stone of speaking truth, which sets a wake-up example to those in the middle who are just going along to get along.

When it comes to actually sitting down (preferably live) to talk things over with our friends and family (those still open to discussion, that is), there is hope in taking a compassionate stance. David Charalambous (How to Effectively Wake Up Your Friends & Family) offers five key strategies for reestablishing meaningful connection, with the first item most critical:

  1. Occupy common ground.
  2. Use mainstream sources.
  3. Point out inconsistencies.
  4. Tell stories to illustrate what you want to say.
  5. Make reasonable statements and proposals, and logical arguments and conclusions.

To address the conditional causes of our collective hypnosis requires not only improved interpersonal communication, but a return to human values once embedded in our grounding and connection with nature. Personal and social meaning, which vanishes when that context is canceled by habit or fiat, ideology or technology, may be restored when we rediscover organic vitality in our lives.

That rediscovery, a reemergence of truly human being, is necessary not only as a shared movement but as an in-the-moment wakeup call for each individual. Max Igan (The Awakening is Growing) describes our collective cage as a “dark, occultist mirror of what it means to be human. You take everything natural and put a cage around it that is just a reflection of it. And the cage becomes more real than the natural world. And so people take to the cage. A lot of people prefer life in the virtual world to life in the real world.”

Look at what you believe, Igan says, when you don’t believe in yourself. The solution he points to, passionately and with elegant simplicity, is obvious:

  • Believe in yourself.
  • Remember who and what you are.
  • Say what you feel.

Who Do You Trust?

The sources our online sparring partners cite clearly show that despite their avowed “healthy distrust,” they continue to trust the mainstream media. They believe only “the news” delivered by official channels. They signal the virtue of their trust in the government, the medical system, the structure of authority, the system, the paradigm, the comfort of numbers.

If they dig deep, the hole they dig is confined to the certified non-organic garden of the journalistic and social guardians, Big Tech and Big Pharma, fenced with virtual barbed wire. If they find root causes, they leave them buried for fear of what those bones and portents tell. It would mean the collapse of everything they stand for: order, meaning, community, social virtue.

Finally, they cannot countenance solutions beyond what is prescribed by the powers that be. That would undermine authority, and then what? Chaos would ensue. But when social chaos is orchestrated from above, the blinders are adjusted tighter and it’s called the “new normal,” all under control for the sake of “building back better.”

‘A radical transformation is already underway. It is not led by and does not serve the people. It is a technocracy managed and manipulated by stakeholder capitalists, globalist thinks tanks, inappropriately named non governmental organisations and philanthropic foundations.
‘The facade of democracy is maintained by “elected” governments. Their primary role is to foster the illusion of democratic accountability while forcing the policies of stakeholders upon us.’
—Iain Davis, Inalienable Rights

Maybe the question that should be asked is not so much “Who do you trust?” but rather, “Whose side are you on?”

We return to the primate band. The big guy’s on top, and that’s that. Are you gonna challenge him, take him on? Are you gonna ask me to join you, so he’s outnumbered? He’s got allies too. Oh, you have a weapon to use, from a distance? He’ll use a bigger one on you, more lethal.

So you go underground. You meet in secret with others. There’s a network building, various malcontents among the masses, muttering that the tyrant can fall.

Then who’s gonna be the new gang in charge?

Remember the equality that brought us together in resistance in the first place. Don’t forget it, or we’ll just raise another tyrant.

Ruling Class Rules

The controlled bottleneck of mainstream news is the primary tool to keep the public misinformed and uninformed. As documented in a previous essay, David Martin exposed the plandemic strategy announced as early as 2014: “We need the media to create the hype and we need to use the hype to our advantage.” Elizabeth Woodworth dug deeper into the resulting media conspiracy, which went official under the rubric “Trusted News Initiative.”

The notorious CIA program to hack the media, Project Mockingbird, was unveiled in US congressional testimony back in 1975, and we can be sure they didn’t just say “Sorry” and give it up. Today the control of media content has become far easier under consolidation of corporate ownership, where six giants own 90 percent of news and entertainment outlets. Those six, in turn, like every other sector of today’s planet of apes, are controlled by the financial Alphas, BlackRock and Vanguard.

In short, the news—including whatever you try to search on Google, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, or Snopes—is proudly brought to you by your ruling class.

I don’t even like to refer to the concept of class, since as a believer in human equality I see just another fiction to divide us. But when it comes to rulership of humanity by a tiny minority, self-identified as superior to the rest and deeming themselves of more value, I can accept the reality of the distinction. When it comes to the minions and followers and apologists of the ruling class, that’s when I become mystified and motivated to search for deeper understanding.

What makes an “equal” human support a leadership structure that enforces inequality?

It’s not just that they only follow fake news. They choose to only follow it, to “remain safe” from dangerous dissent. Today’s fake consensus is a neo-fundamentalism that brooks no challenge of its sanctified authority. As Stephen Wolinksky notes in The Tao of Chaos, the lure of fundamentalism—whether in religion, science, or political ideology—is to make everything simple, black and white, good or bad, so you don’t have to think anymore. That’s just too hard, too much work, too confusing, full of trouble.

So, just follow the program. Journalism is the new bulwark of fundamentalism, it appears; but then, the big money always did control the big press. Today’s expansion into virtual monopolies of speech and information—Big Media and Big Tech—simply raises the ruling advantage, as was accomplished earlier with the innovations of radio and TV, and their ready use for hypnotic propaganda. And the new orthodoxy isn’t content simply with one-way messaging; unbelievers are to be excommunicated: censored and deplatformed, sued and defamed, gaslit and targeted, slandered and canceled. Or worse.

Those reverting to Mommy-and-Daddy Land are unconsciously motivated, perhaps; but then, so are we all subject to unconscious motivations. Conditioned by our past influences, reinforced by our channel choices with repeated confirmation. This isn’t “just like AI” in its self-reinforcing feedback loop; it is AI in operation—at Facebook and Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, Google and Amazon. While their algorithms and filters may be tailored to each consumer, a uniform narrative feed preselects “choices” flowing from the same unquestionable assumptions, ensuring ever tighter mental control. Ironically (and deviously) that very notion of mental control is preprogrammed to be dismissed from conscious acceptance: “just another conspiracy theory.”

Call it conspiracy or call it self-reinforcing, the result is the same: conformity with a ruling class agenda.

As proof that “ruling class” still has meaning as a political concept, consider George W. Bush, once mocked as an ignorant cowboy-king, now lauded as a statesman by his former political opponents—gracious in their own assumption of power, their turn at the wheel.

Like the kings of old, the top-shelf rivals are united in their hegemony over the peasants and workers of the world. They rely on support from the subordinate ranks of lawyers and lobbyists, judges and generals, media moguls and jaded journalists, academics and celebrity activists… all feeding from the spoils of exploitation.

Empire is blood; so own your portion of it. Set the vampires and zombies free to teach us of the trade in flesh and gold and guns, narcotics and funny money. Own your private throne, secured by your allegiance to power. If you’re on top now, hog that hoarded watermelon, or clutch your chunk doled out for favor. But remember, you’re outnumbered.

Further reading:

One Hundred Years of Servitude


Fifty Years Through Hell and Back: The Afghanistan Papers


Ongoing Alternative News Updates


This article first appeared in The New Agora.

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.

image credits:

(feature) Ben Franklin: imgrum.net
guess who: philosophers-stone.info
great minds: PersonalExcellence.co
we are here: Jim Quinn
risk/benefit: Jim Quinn
unsafe: Dr. Peter Breggin
explain: Kim Usbourne
choice: reddit
abuse: Vaccine Choice Canada
einstein: redbubble.com
tee shirt: teeol.com

Passing the Torch, by William T. Hathaway

The baby-boom generation is ending its lap in the human race, and the Fridays-for-future generation is beginning its run. Generational shifts of power are symbolized by the image of passing the torch, but now what the older has to pass on to the younger seems not a torch but a time bomb, a legacy of crises.

To find a way out of the disaster, we need to look at how we got into it, the historical context. The economic and social system of capitalism shapes our times and shapes us. It is a system based on power, the ability of one group to dominate another – owners dominate workers, rich countries dominate poor countries. To understand the effects of this, let’s review a bit of history.

At the beginning of the 20th century Britain and France were the dominant powers, controlling colonies in Africa and Asia from which they extracted great wealth. Germany was becoming more powerful and also wanted colonies, but Britain and France were determined to keep them out. This conflict led to the First World War in which Germany was crushed.

During that time, people in the colonies and other poor countries were rebelling, trying to throw off domination. This movement was most advanced in Russia, where it was based on the principles of Marx and Lenin. In the chaos of the First World War, the Russian workers succeeded in overthrowing the government and creating the world’s first true socialist nation.

After the war, though, the capitalist powers tried to crush the revolution through invasion, sabotage, and economic warfare. These attacks weakened the revolution and gave Stalin the opportunity to seize dictatorial control of Russia. He distorted the democratic principles of Marx and Lenin into an oppressive, totalitarian regime. Then he and his followers shaped the communist parties of China, Vietnam, and Cuba in this dictatorial form. True socialism no longer existed and still doesn’t.

During and after the war, the revolutionary spirit spread to Germany. To squelch it, the German capitalists helped Hitler, a fanatical anti-communist and anti-Semite, seize control and become a dictator. He led Germany into the Second World War and murdered six million Jews plus other minorities.

The Jewish Holocaust set off a chain of ongoing tragedies. It led to the formation of Israel, which Britain and the USA supported primarily so they could have a base in the Mideast close to the energy reserves. Hundreds of thousands of Arabs were pushed off their land, and they were outraged at being forced to pay for the crimes of the Germans. This generated violent Muslim fundamentalism and an ongoing war to get their homeland back. Due to global Muslim solidarity and their cultural need to avenge dishonor, their resistance has now spread worldwide. The West has responded with massive violence from Libya to the Philippines to stamp it out and maintain their access to the resources. US-NATO attacks on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and much of Africa have killed millions but have succeeded only in generating determined hatred in the survivors.

Ironically, the USA is fighting for oil, but the world’s single largest user of oil is the US military which is doing the fighting. All this contributes to the growing environmental disasters. Our poor planet is reeling under human assault. Our drive for consumption is reaching the point where we are consuming ourselves. The world is trapped in a ghastly dilemma.

That’s the bad news, but here’s the good news: History shows us 1) the cause of these calamities is capitalism 2) that system can be overthrown 3) the way to build a new society is by holding to the democratic principles of Marx and Lenin, avoiding both liberal reformism and Stalinist totalitarianism. The political party that I’ve found to have the best understanding of these principles is the Freedom Socialist Party: https://socialism.com/. It offers a torch of knowledge worth passing on to the next generation.

William T. Hathaway is the author of Radical Peace, People Refusing War, which tells the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists from the USA, Iraq, and Afghanistan:
and of Lila, the Revolutionary, a fable for adults about an eight-year-old girl who sparks a world revolution for social justice: