Unauthorized Transmissions

Trenchtown Diary

Genocide denial: It’s not the deaths that are unthinkable; it’s the evil of the perpetrators.

‘However dark things look right now, we will get out of this. That is non-negotiable. You should never do their work for them by despairing of an end. It is supposed to seem hopeless. They manage the seeming of things, much more than the reality of them, and they work very hard to portray all resistance as futile. Probably more messaging resources go into casting the containment regime as invulnerable and undeterred, than anything else. This is important to them precisely because they’re not invulnerable.…’
‘Many object that our arguments are simply ignored or papered over by regime propaganda, and that nothing we say here gets anywhere. It is also common to hear about the futility of protests, and… of legal challenges. This is the wrong view to take. They have to win every day, and we only have to win a few times. This is the great asymmetry at the heart of all dissident movements, it is why we seem small and powerless and yet they act with such inordinate rage and fear against the points we make.’ —eugyppius, Is it in the end all just words?

Global Chicken Gumbo

‘Survival of this set of advances they are making on humanity is about reading between the lines, being able to spot their manipulation tactics, knowing when they are telling the truth and when they are lying, understanding their strategy and moves before they make them, being prepared to do a little extra work to navigate their bullshit, and ultimately having faith and belief in yourself while respecting and building communities that are resilient to this crap.’—Corey Lynn, The Biggest Game of Chicken in History

‘NACs [New Asset Classes] are not a move to save the planet, but a move to enable the same interests responsible for the current environmental crises to usher in a new era where their predatory exploitation reaches new heights that were previously unimaginable.’ —Whitney Webb, Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

Catherine Austin Fitts appropriately calls the opponent “Mr. Global” and discusses the financial and economic aspects of the “Great Reset” here.

‘According to Fitts, we live in a world with an “official reality” dictated by the legacy, or “old” media, and the “actual reality” accessed through personal experience and personal connections; the judicious use of independent and creative thought; plus “new media” outlets and independent commentators able to collect and examine information outside our immediate area of experience.’ (Chuck Black, Freedom Forum News)

‘Just as in the domestic arena, where the notion of politics by suasion is lost (with vaccine mandates enforced by water-cannon, and riot police), so too, the notion of foreign policy managed through argument, or diplomacy, has been lost too.’ —Alastair Crooke, Now or Never: The Great ‘Transition’ Must Be Imposed

Boiling frogs: Vaccines and cancer

Clearly there seems to be three situations:
• The appearance of a cancer rapidly after the injection (two weeks to a few months) and very progressive, in a person who was previously free of known carcinological pathologies.
• The resumption of cancer in a patient who has been in complete remission for several months or years.
• The rapid, even explosive, evolution of a cancer that is not yet controlled.
—Dr. Nicole Delépine, The Incidence of Cancer, triggered by the Covid 19 “vaccine”

The Leading Edge

‘Transhumanism is essentially exploitative and so it should be resisted with all of our might and willpower. The immediate danger we face is with (purported) “vaccines”, which are capable of the literal end of humanity. This is achieved through deletion of our moral conscience, impairment of reproductive fertility, and erasure of independent identity (via “health passports”). The deployment of mRNA technology to children is the greatest crime in history, and our response to this threat should see it as the greatest emergency possible.’ —Martin Geddes, The Saviours of Humanity

‘Today’s new commercial frontier is the human body, “body as a platform.” We are being ushered toward a life-time subscription to an artificial immunity service… with boosters from here into infinity.’ —Tessa Lena, Do Covid Injections Compromise Natural Immunity (and see here)

‘If the vaccines work, what’s going on?
And if they don’t, why on earth would anyone not at very high risk from Covid agree to participate in further rounds of this failed experiment? Much less allow their kids to be vaccinated?’ —Alex Berenson, The god that failed

Determination and Self-Determination

“This is what it boils down to: infantilization versus self-responsibility.” —Reiner Fuellmich Speaks To Psychologist [Meredith Miller] On Mechanics Of Why People Follow The Covid/Vaxx Narratives

‘I sense that the most profound yearning is not so much for the “unsticking” of history. Rather, I feel we deeply yearn to have the opportunity afterwards to apply our loving nature, warrior faculties, and acquired skills at “maximum force” in the service of life itself.’ —Martin Geddes, On the nature of our yearning

‘We are stepping into a new story, a new and ancient story, that is no longer about Progress equals more Control; and is no longer ignorant of the intelligence in the world outside of the human being and outside of human civilization.’ —Charles Eisenstein

Toward a Greater Reset

‘Trauma is both destructive and awakening.’ —Meredith Miller, Reiner Fuellmich Speaks To Psychologist On Mechanics Of Why People Follow The Covid/Vaxx Narratives

‘We know that the world faces an imminent and vast upheaval in the near future. Many of us have been preparing for this on every level — spiritual, social, practical, emotional, psychological, etc. At the moment there is a “stuckness” feeling and frustration as we anticipate the blockages to change being removed. I sense that the most profound yearning is not so much for the “unsticking” of history. Rather, I feel we deeply yearn to have the opportunity afterwards to apply our loving nature, warrior faculties, and acquired skills at “maximum force” in the service of life itself.’ —Martin Geddes, On the nature of our yearning

Babylon Gone Down

Fourth Reich Operation Plan

Itinerary of Abuse

Speaking of optional realities, here is the one being presently imposed, laid out in all its stark consistency. It was posted on Telegram, by Robin Monotti+Dr Mike Yeadon+Cory Morningstar Channel; the author who described this plan of the NWO is Jean-Jacques Crèvecœur, via Le Grand Reveil: https://t.me/LeGrandReveil.

I present it here not to stoke fear, or to give credence to that projected future; but on the contrary, to denounce it for what it is, recognizing its unfoldment to date and insistence from “above.” The human choice remains viable as long as our soul persists: to reject this vision as an ugly aberration of our nature, and to categorically refuse it.

Phase 1:

Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019 – March 2020)
– Mount a pandemic in China.
– Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
– Increase the number of cases and deaths
– Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
– Focus all attention on Covid-19.
Result, (almost) general panic

Phase 2:

Sow the tares and division. (March 2020 – December 2020)
– Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
– Paralyze trade and the economy.
– Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
– Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
– Censoring dissident leaders.
– Punish disobedience.
– Generalize PCR tests.
– Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
– Disqualify all effective treatments.
– Hope for a rescue vaccine.
Result, (almost) general panic.

Phase 3:

Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021)
– Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
– Promise protection and return to normality.
– Establish a herd immunization target.
– Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
– Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
– Passing off the side effects of the injections as “natural” effects of the virus and the disease.
– Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
– Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
– Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. –
Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4:

Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021)
– Voluntarily plan for shortages.
– Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
– Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
– Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
– Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
– Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5:

Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
– Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
– Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
– Let unemployment explode.
– Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
– Take up the murder of the living old men.
– Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
– Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
– Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
– Arrest opposition leaders.
– Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card …
– Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6:

Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
– Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
– To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
– Activate the «Great Reset».
– Dematerialize money.
– Cancel debts, loans and loans.
– Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
– Seize properties and land.
– Ban all global medicines.
– Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
– Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
– Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.W.O. to the whole planet.

Tyranny In Plain Sight

While some still cry “conspiracy theory,” the plans for “Pharma Uber Alles” have been advertised for years in plain sight, then demonstrated with lockstep precision over the past two years. Thanks again to Robin Monotti+Dr Mike Yeadon+Cory Morningstar Channel on Telegram for this reminder of what the global elite have been cooking up for us all along. Only now is the herd sensing in the putrid breeze that human meat was the main course. Note that the menus below come straight from the head Chefs, printed on official stationery:

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.

image credits:

(feature) obey: prayandbeready.wordpress.com
athletes: GoodSciencing.com
soccer: facebook
roboy: David Hanson
protected: facebook
children: telegram
serling: facebook
reich: Nowick Gray
freedoms: ZeroHedge
coercion: metaphysicalmusing.com
tyranny: mercurynews.com
anti-shot: R. Trout


R/Evolution Now

Self-Righteous, Righteous, and Beyond

A manifesto of righteous poetic rage:

‘You are shaking the hive. Prepare for the swarm.’
—Margaret Anna Alice, Letter to a Tyrant

A manifesto of righteous religious conscience:

‘I call upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point-by-point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and research, and respect for Creation.’ — Archbishop Viganò: Global Appeal for Anti-Globalist Alliance Against the New World Order

The difference between the terms “righteous” and “self-righteous” is revealing. Where the plain word is identified with moral virtue, the compound reeks of virtue-signaling. Where “righteous” is truly moral, in service to others, self-righteous is self-serving, smug, and more concerned with status than truth.

It’s a fine line, if you believe you’re one but perceived as the other. And the more righteous one is, the more the demeaning perception “self-righteous” will grow among those who think you’re wrong and they’re right (and righteous).

Ultimately it’s a secondary issue, albeit an important one. Appearance counts, and personality matters when discussing public issues. But being right—on the right side of reality—is the main thing. It’s not about the messenger, but the message. That goes for one’s own motivation as a truth-teller, as well as the integrity of a civil debate. Yet in this human drama where “the medium is the message,” we are simultaneously the medium. If we speak truth to power, our power must be of the truth itself, and not of personal aggrandizement or reward.

Too often, in the muck and slander of politics (and especially today’s toxic censorship and cancel culture), the righteous will be crucified however stalwart and morally upright they are. If their record is spotless, the smear can simply be invented, or attached via a tenuous chain of association. We’ve seen such a campaign relentlessly carried out not only in the usual manner in politics, but now against every dissenting voice in medicine, science, education, and more. Where any shred of truth is uttered, the witch-hunting fake factcheckers are sure to follow.

The moral is: don’t fret too much over self-righteous, in yourself or others. Just be righteous. And demand it certainly of anyone who deigns to tell us what we can and cannot do.

‘We know what the next step is, each of us. It is letting go of grudges. It is letting go of self-righteousness. It is standing in reverence for each other. We might takes sides, but we don’t source our identity from it, because our true identity draws from a deeper spring. All are welcome to drink of it.’ —Charles Eisenstein, The Human Family

The deeper problem, even with well-meaning righteousness, is that it’s polarizing. It sets up the irresolvable conflict between right and wrong, good and evil. Taking sides, each party believes it holds truth and righteousness, and the other side is evil, speaking lies.

On the path of righteousness, there is no shortage of enemies to target and labels to apply. Take your pick: the CIA, Satan, Globalists, ETs, Archons, Psychopaths, Alpha white males, Predators, Parasites, the CCP, the Vatican, the US military, the Deep State, the WEF, Bill Gates, the Queen, the Committee of 300, the Bilderbergers, Zionists, the Mossad, Islam, Capitalism, Soros, Fascism, Communism, the Jesuits, Black Rock & Vanguard, Agenda 21

The sheer proliferation of such negativities is a clue that the fight is infinite and eternal, a product of our own projecting Shadow into “real life.” Righteous or not, do we spend the rest of our days tracing spider webs, strand upon strand, into deeper caves of darkness? What is darker than absence of light?

From there, we can open our eyes to rays of light. Beyond self-righteousness, we can let righteousness go too, because it’s only another projection of self. Letting go of plots and stories, protagonists and antagonists, heroes and villains, we can open to joy and wonder, creativity, insight, clarity, inspiration, spontaneous enthusiasm. Invoking what oracle card maker Rudy Hexter* calls The Golden Compass, we take direction from the heart’s wisdom to strengthen the evolutionary will of the planet—not with the polarizing paradigm of righteousness, but with innocence, receptivity, illumination, clear vision, and creative potential.

[*Note: Rudy recently suffered a life-threatening injury; here’s how you can help.]

Power vs. Force

‘The universe holds its breath as we choose, instant by instant, which pathway to follow; for the universe, the very essence of life itself, is highly conscious. Every act, thought, and choice adds to a permanent mosaic; our decisions ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all.’ —David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force

The Evolution of the Soul

We think we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control. —David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force

The realm of human drama is ruled by the struggle between competing emotions. The competition is driven by different personalities and agendas, between groups, between individuals, and within the psychic landscape of a given character (including our own). In addition to our personal, social, and political motivations, both conscious and unconscious, there are deeper forces at work (or play), fueling the progress of human evolution, which is to say, of the evolution of the soul.

Following the archetypal stages of the seven chakras of the human energy system (aligned on the kundalini channel of the spine), we can simplify the stages of personal and collective evolution, with a sequence that typifies many a drama enacted on stage or screen, or perhaps in the theatre of our dreams. It might even be considered an itinerary to enlightenment.


Driven, obsessed, insatiable. The reptile slithers home here, with no apology. It’s the way of the world, in raw fecundity.


Possessed: it’s all about the other. Desire, blame. The end and beginning of all suffering. Drama’s nourishment; intrigue’s pantry.


Talking heads… on what they hope is a secure channel. But nothing in this hairy horde of ape-brained primates is safe from chatter.


Heart rises, swells, forgives, gives peace. Heart connects, though hands and heads divide. Heart heals mercifully, loves all, unconditional.


All the welter of life’s charmed tragedy swirls in this blender, poured on a canvas of old ship sails, stitched together with intent: because.


A higher power calls, is heard. It pulls us closer. We tow behind a raft of worries, unfathomable dreams. Releasing, we lift our wings to flight.


Not this form; not that. A reward without reckoning, a sentence fulfilled. This time, for good. This time, leaving nothing out. All that is, all in.

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.

image credits:

(feature) shaman: Ricardo Chargingbear
memes: Kim Usbourne
normal: Jim Quinn
Schwab: WEF
villains: Mike Whitney/Kim Usbourne
bank: facebook
frame: Nowick Gray
power/force: David Hawkins
chakras: Nowick Gray
life: Nowick Gray






Over the Target

Cave of the Spider Clan

‘COVID-19 erased the regulatory and trial-related hurdles that Moderna could never surmount before. Yet, how did Moderna know that COVID-19 would create those conditions months before anyone else, and why did they later claim that their vaccine being tested in NIH trials was different than their commercial candidate?’ —Whitney Webb, COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle

Research by Kevin Galalae, PCR Tests and the Depopulation Program (PDF available to view from archive.org), exposes the hidden prongs of the plandemic deathwish. Not only the fauxine but also its precursors and accessories—the brain-jabbing swabs, triple-toxic facemasks, and methanol-laced sanitizers—do double duty as adverse agents and conjurors of yet more symptoms of “Covid.”

‘To sum it all up, the coronavirus blamed for countless deaths real and imagined is a political fiction. The symptoms attributed to Covid are caused by a deliberate three-pronged attack on our health and lives by our own national and international authorities who:

‘- first, damage the epithelium of the nasopharyngeal cavity with PCR test swabs to bring down the immune defenses that protect our brain leaving our control center exposed to viruses, bacteria, chemicals and neurotoxins that can now get past the blood-brain barrier

‘- second, create a closed loop between the mouth and the nose, thus between outgoing and incoming air, by forcing us to wear face masks throughout the day, in order to subject our exposed brains to constant assault with viruses, bacteria and fungi the body is trying to get rid of and to chronically asphyxiate our brains

‘- third, increase damage to the brain by subjecting us to chemicals and neurotoxins that have no place in our environment and that could never reach the brain had they not destroyed the blood-brain barrier.’

Adding neurological insult to test swab injuries,

‘another chemical used by the system to cause maximum damage to the brain so as to sustain the illusion of a pandemic is ethylene oxide, a well-known cancer-causing substance, which is used to sterilize the PCR test swabs themselves. And since the swabs smear this mutagenic chemical on the mucosa of the nose, which is hypersensitive, it damages our health in unknown ways.’

As for the masks, useless is less than half the story. And here’s where the story gets intriguing, for its connection to so many strands of power in the great web of deceit. Prepare to enter the cave of the spider. Here we see the remains of its latest meal:

‘The Battelle Memorial Institute, which is where the plandemic is being coordinated from, has used hydrogen peroxide and a proprietary system that was emergency authorized on 29 March 2020 to sterilize face masks so they can be reused in hospitals and clinics throughout the medical system. This method of causing respiratory problems in medical personnel was so effective that not even the FDA could stomach the damage and first issued a warning to Battelle, on 7 October 2020, and eventually revoked its authorization on 30 April 2021, by which the time the damage had been done and the system no longer needed poisoned masks to sicken frontline workers because Covid vaccines came into effect and the plandemic has been driven by vaccine injuries ever since.’

Who is this entity with such a central role that Galalae so casually mentions in passing? The linked Wikipedia page tells us that Battelle Memorial Institute is “an international science and technology enterprise that explores emerging areas of science, develops and commercializes technology, and manages laboratories for customers.” Uber-generic, right? So what would be some practical applications? Try these tasty Spyder Appies:

‘Contract research business. Battelle serves the following:

  • Agribusiness: cannabis research, encapsulation, formulation, environmental fate, spray drift and droplet characterization

  • Ecology & Environment: scientific data packages for researchers, air, water and soil analysis, assessment and remediation

  • Health: genomics, life sciences research, medical device development, neurotechnology, public health studies

  • Materials Science: analytical chemistry, characterization, coatings, compounds and structures, corrosion studies, nanoparticles and materials

  • National Security: aviation and aerospace technologies, chemical and biological defense systems, cyber innovations, ground tactical systems, maritime technologies

  • Research Infrastructure: Biosafety Laboratory 3 (BSL3) operations, chemical demilitarization facilities, National Ecological Observatory Network, national laboratory management

  • STEM Education: BattelleEd, STEMX, Battelle Arts Grant, STEM Learning Networks’

For the next course, we see the scattered bones of management in the top seven US national laboratories for the Department of Energy (including nuclear facilities); along with additional dinner guests, the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center for the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for the National Science Foundation (providing a mind-altering course of climate change for dessert).

Last but not least, here is a rather tantalizing menu of bonbons: inventions attributed to Battelle research projects from 1940 to the present day: Xerox, nuclear fuel rods, space metals, CDs, titanium jet engines, armor plated tanks for WWII, nuclear sub fuel, the Universal Product Code, automobile cruise control, photovoltaic solar cells, fiber optics, medical tubing to prevent blood clots (you don’t say!), a reusable injection pen (including dose memory)… and in a weird nod to Romy and Michelle, white-out (Wikipedia neglects to list Post-it Notes). Bonus invention: “no-melt” chocolate. Something smells of reverse-engineering, an underground tunnel to Area 51.

Battelle did commit the occasional fumble in its many-tentacled reach, such as the “computer system on which the Voter News Service relied for tallying exit polling data in the November 2002 U.S. Congressional and Senate elections; the system failed and results were not reported until ten months after the election.” Rebounding into the action in April 2020, Battelle “partnered with Ohio State University to distribute rapid tests for Covid-19.” Around the same time,

‘Battelle announced that it had received an Emergency Use Authorization to deploy a system to decontaminate N95 respirators for healthcare providers. Battelle received a $400 million contract from the Defense Logistics Agency for the project, known as the Critical Care Decontamination System (CCDS). Following the conclusion of the program in May 2021 [with the EUA revoked after respiratory problems in medical personnel, as Galalae notes above], Battelle invoiced $155 million, with 5 million masks decontaminated [sic] and an average cost of $31 per mask.’ (Wikipedia)

What is left for a satisfied spider to do? Retreat, I suppose, for a spell of digestion.

Shortly after a spelunker spied Galalae’s 13 research papers, two disappeared: the above paper, and the equally provocative, “Covid Vaccines and the Depopulation Program” (now also available only from archive.org). But hey, that’s all just coincidence; none dare call it conspiracy.

‘The Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, said: “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.’ —Jon Rappoport, The Nazi medical plan for control of the planet; World War Two never ended

‘The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought… fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent.’ —C. J. Hopkins, The Great New Normal Purge

Manufacturing Fear

‘The report was prepared by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), a quasi-government body that was part of the effort to use “totalitarian” and “unethical” methods of instilling fear into the population as a means of scaring them into complying with lockdown rules.
‘A related group, the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours team, warned at the start of the first lockdown that a “substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened [by Covid-19].”
‘“The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging,” the group added, leading to numerous lurid propaganda campaigns that exaggerated the threat of COVID to bully the public into total submission.’
—Paul Joseph Watson, Deleted Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to “Conform”

‘The lifeblood of totalitarianism is fear … fear of both the system’s official enemy (which is constantly stoked with propaganda) and of the totalitarian system itself. That the brutality of the system is rationalized by the threat posed by the official enemy doesn’t make it any less brutal or terrifying. Under totalitarian systems (of any type or scale) fear is a constant and there is no escape from it.
‘The masses’ fear is then channeled into hatred … hatred of the official “Untermenschen,” whom the system encourages the masses to scapegoat. Thus, the purge is also a means of allowing the masses to purge themselves of their fear, to transform it into self-righteous hatred and unleash it on the “Untermenschen” instead of the totalitarian system.’ —C. J. Hopkins

Protect the Children

‘Children… are not super-spreaders. They’re not giving it to the teachers…. They’re more likely to die of lightning strike than of covid. Children should not be subjected to masks.  It’s part of their upbringing – they’re learning via nonverbal communication.  How can you understand nonverbal communication if you can’t see someone’s face?  It’s all risk to no benefit.

‘To contemplate vaccinating children is utterly abhorrent…. I would go further than that and say, it’s ‘child sacrifice’. The Aztecs found that throwing kids on the fire did not make the rain fall.  And I can you tell you this – it won’t make granny survive any better by sacrificing children.  No it’s utterly insane, it’s unconscionable to contemplate killing children for no benefit for them whatsoever.  Kids have an incredible immune system as well as all the ordinary coughs and colds they’ve had previously which results in natural immunity. They can’t get informed consent when they’re lined up in a classroom with their sleeves rolled up and a nurse going, jab, jab, jab, jab…No informed consent whatsoever.  That is medical malpractice of the highest order!’
Dr. Roger Hodkinson

What Should We Do?

‘I believe we, the people, are living now in a version of an abusive relationship with our government…. We are not stupid…. We must not let them treat us as though we are.’ —Neil Oliver

One reader wants to know “how we can effectively revolt—or is it just the waiting game for more masses? And what do we do about all the hard core weaponry that they will turn on us; as culling is the name of this theatrical event?”

I don’t have a definitive response, nor have I seen any one most compelling answer. A few out there do venture to propose a way forward. For example:

  • Blind Joe: “I Will Not Comply.”
  • Clif High: (paraphrased) Everyone should have guns. It would be a very polite society.
  • Kevin Galalae: (paraphrased) Every couple should only have one or two children, and every person should voluntarily die at 75. Such a strategy nullifies the current means of forced depopulation, satisfying the same motive but more humanely.
  • Pilled Groups for Precinct Strategy: “a way for Precinct Committeepeople to communicate with each other at a county, state, or national level, while half of the precinct committeeperson spots sit empty.”
  • Tim Sheets: The time of a supernatural harvest is upon us, God’s justice and a crop of prophecies and prayers. “In the face of the delusion, we will prevail.”

Fundamental to any strategy of revolt or resistance is clarity about the war itself. Who is the enemy and what is the allied force worth fighting for? While the preacher points to Satan versus the children of God, the secular view will serve as well:

  • ‘World War III will be everybody against their own governments.’ —Sahill Bloom

  • ‘There is a point beyond which the citizenry will stop viewing each other as enemies (left vs right) and start viewing their own governments as the enemy (overlords vs rabble). If that happens, then the incentives and conditions will be in place for #WorldWarWe.’ —Mark Jeftovic

The times indeed appear unprecedented, even on the scale of history with its repeated cycles of cataclysm. While I have an intrinsic faith in the wisdom of life and goodwill to overcome evil, there is no guaranteed program for success. Violent revolutions have historically devolved into new forms of tyranny. Even the popular methods of nonviolent resistance have now been coopted and weaponized to serve the interests of deep state actors. Religion as always is an opiate, and science and technology have been thoroughly hijacked to be part of the problem.

The human solution is within our grasp; but cannot be easily grasped, or clutched too tightly. The battlefield shifts with the flutter of each butterfly’s wing. The machinations of the cabal are historically unstable, prone to fracturing and self-poisoned treachery. Lies are built upon lies like a house of cards, set to crumble when the defections and backstabbings become contagious. Rats will flee the listing ship, and those who wait too long for lifeboats will miss out. Tide is turning, which way will the next wind blow?

The serendipity of Gaia’s influence is as ever unknown, yet ever powerful. In the midst of her fluid creation, each of us must do what we must, spinning webs wider, linking each to all. Conscience is our guide, truth our compass, compassion the nectar that binds our hearts. With present thoughts and small actions we collaborate on a recipe without end, an outcome that welcomes a wave of justice for each according to their crime, or conversely, the purity of our intent, our service, our humble aspiration.

The Greater Reset

 ‘We are free. The pandemic is over.’ —Victor Nieves (datboivictor_original)

‘The bulldozer is pushing hard but the future is not the property of the wealthy crazies. The future is what we all create together.’ —Tessa Lena, On Medical Sovereignty

‘There will be some tough times ahead, as this battle is real, but together we can thrive, build, explore, love, and support one another – all of the things they do not want us doing. The reality is – they want to bankrupt and control us, when we have the power to bankrupt them and build our own future. Their 1980s slogan “just say no” to drugs seems so fitting right now. “Just say no” to their poison, their tyranny, their narrative, and their manipulations. Step outside their box, shift your perception, and fulfill your dreams.’ —Corey Lynn

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

image credits:

(feature): Moderna: Whitney Webb
PCR swab: Kevin Galalae
face diaper: Rainbow Trout
inside job/jab: fakebook
vaksaiku: Nowick Gray
windows: Kim Usbourne
child: fakebook
covid loop: Kim Usbourne
braveheart: Nowick Gray
Brandon: Gary Varvel

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order ebook now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray’s fiction and creative nonfiction crosses genre boundaries and bends categories, with unconventional characters on the margins of society, exploring the heart of nature and authentic human being (see NowickGray.com). Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at HyperEdits.com.