State of Change

Every day now brings a deluge of new developments, as the movement against tyranny gathers momentum and meets desperate resistance from the rabid Resetters, whose control over the leverage of public opinion slips out of their grasp. In Ottawa the mainstream press and the politicized police resort to trumped-up charges of insurrection—er, mischief—which is to say, bouncy castles for kids and street music to warm the hearts and feet. Every day while governments vax younger and younger children with deadly results, more citizens arrive to say, “No more!”

A sample of relevant storylines follows:

Ottawa Update: The Real News

Statement by Convoy Leaders

Vox Populi: Register Your Voice

Our Time Has Come: Convoys in Video

Ottawa VancouverVictoriaSalt Spring Island, BC

Canadian Patriot Review On the Ground Report from Ottawa’s Freedom Convoy

Cookies & Tears

Mex-Can Standoff

‘This is a nationwide insurrection. This is madness. We need a concrete plan to put an end to this,” said the chair of the board, Ottawa City Council member Diane Deans…. “There are so many people out there engaged in a broader act of… mayhem, that we need to be able to bring it all under control,” she said. “We can’t allow this kind of terrorism in our community to continue this way.”

‘Right now, this is a Mexican standoff. The government can’t possibly roll back their measures at the behest of protesters, or the whole entire concept of an authoritarian democracy collapses. If they bend at all, then no one is going to ever follow their brutal dictates ever again.’

—Andrew Anglin, Convoy Canada: Police Declare “Nationwide Insurrection” (Trucksurrection?) and “Terrorism” (Truckorism?)

Ottawa’s new secret weapon against truckers (video)

Ottawa police decree is illegal—Justice Centre

Three Deep Breaths


After overwhelming criticism, GoFundMe has relented and is giving back the $9 million it stole from the Freedom Convoy. That attempted power grab is a warning shot from the financiers of the Great Reset, who seek total digital control over the behavior and choices of the new serfs.

‘Today it is GoFundMe. In the future, when central banks roll out Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), it’ll be all economic activity that falls within the purview of national and Supra-national government and bureaucracy. When those days arrive, everybody who will be reliant on government economic entitlements will be enduring a type of neo-Feudalism: veritably digital slavery.’ —Mark Jeftovic

Warning: Satire Alert! (The Babylon Bee reports…):

Perverting Public Opinion

“the primary purpose of language – which is to describe reality – is replaced by the rival purpose of asserting power over it.” —Roger Scruton

‘Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion. This is the weak point of our defenses, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks. Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of the nation to appear insignificant, and the trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong, the wrong the right. In a country where opinion has sway, to seize upon it, is to seize upon power. As it is a rule of humanity that the upright and well-intentioned are comparatively passive, while the designing, dishonest, and selfish are the most untiring in their efforts, the danger of public opinion’s getting a false direction is four-fold, since few men think for themselves.’ —James Fenimore Cooper, quoted by Matthew Ehret

‘this was not “warp speed” is was “warped science” and now we reap the bitter fruit.’ —el gato malo

No Joke

Life is more ironic—or more darkly comic—than fiction. People magazine reports that comedian Heather McDonald fainted onstage, fracturing her skull, after joking about her recent jabs: “Audience members told TMZ that the comedian collapsed after making a joke about being ‘vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted,’ leading many to initially believe it was part of the act.”

Liberty and Justice for All

‘Courageous medical scientists who kept speaking the truth, Internet websites that could not be intimidated, and the Truckers’ Protest in Canada have cracked the Covid Deception wide open. Let’s make sure that, like Humpty Dumpty, it cannot be put back together again. Fauci, a mass murderer, must be held accountable. The vaccine makers must be held accountable. The politicians and school boards must be held accountable. And the sordid media that called truth “disinformation” must be held accountable. We will not be safe until we hold these despicable beings accountable. We must not forgive and forget, or they will be again at our throat.’ —Paul Craig Roberts, Cracks in the Covid Narrative

Launch of the Lifeboats

What remains to be said, and brought to light? Narrative 2.0 is well underway now, the old paradigm crumbling, rats scurrying for cover. The Truckers and their legion of awake citizens aren’t buying the mainstream media lies anymore. We are destined for…

Revolutions do not happen overnight. True revolutions are not mere turnings of the wheel; they are new worlds birthing. This revolution, as prophesied, is not televised per se, but gone viral nevertheless in independent social media.

Meanwhile the Rat Captains will try to send us all down with their sinking ship, while they skip off to their fortified retreats.

We have known for some time it would come to this: Us or Them, the Endgame, the Final Battle. Who knows what their last play in despair will be… to flip the whole board over? Indeed, it is tipping anyway. The question remains, who will survive, to fulfill necessary justice and secure freedom for future generations?

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. Subscribe to his Substack (New World Dreaming) or visit his  writings website at

image files:
(feature) breaking: telegram
badges: Steve Kirsch
babylon: babylon bee
graph: el gato malo
cats: el gato malo
child deaths: UK Office for National Statistics
lifeboats: Vaccine Choice Canada
children: Celia Farber



Sky Valley Cafe

Today’s Menu

On the Knife Edge – Small Steps, Front Lines – Sky Valley View – Being the Best You Can Be – The Trouble with People – Freedom Riders – Propaganda Takedown – Grateful, or Dead?

On the Knife Edge

We stand atop a knife-edged pinnacle of despair and hope, as the force of totalitarianism, trickling down from global elite to local school board, vies for universal power with the free and natural human spirit. The entire thrust of our known history of civilization is embodied in this daily struggle now infecting the planet.

Forget the virus: independent and even mainstream official science are in agreement that that danger is ordinary, and that measures in place to combat it cause more harm than good. The heavily subsidized dominant narrative is (and was from the start) a tin-ear sales pitch for a needle in every arm—backed by strongman coercion, and lust for a gigantic wealth transfer from the great many to the tiny few; enforced by a program of total control, with a dark underside of long-planned depopulation.

“Hope for the best, expect the worst, and take what comes with grace.”

This was the wisdom I heard from the Quaker elders at the height of the cold war, when every day seemed similarly poised on the brink of MAD (“Mutually Assured Destruction”) by the world’s nuclear superpowers.

Now that advice rings too passive, weakly submissive. I will never, for example, take a mandated death jab, neither with grace nor even rage. Burn me in the public square instead, a neo-Buddhist witness to genocide, so to shock awake the compliant and the duped.

Plan for the best and prepare for the worst” seems more appropriate today in the shifting prognoses of our terminal condition at the end of an age. This civilization, too, will pass: even in our time. What comes after, we can already glimpse.

The Great Reset, or the Age of Aquarius? A thousand-year Reich, or a revival of tribes of the earth? The abolition of all sovereignty, or of all slavery? The outcome, believe it or not, is up to each and all of us, at this precise moment.

Small Steps, Front Lines

We are all on the front lines now. Whether at the rally downtown, or cowering in our home under lockdown. Whether sharing on social media, or engaged in new world dreaming. Whether informing ourselves and others, or attempting to reimagine nature’s human from the inside out.

Every community is under assault. Every day provides opportunities to reach out, to call out the madness, to share concerns and air injustice. Every action, however small, asserts our integrity and supports that of our fellow beings under fire from the forces of coercion.

The following is offered as one such daily contribution, that you or anyone could adapt for use in your own place of business, residence, or association. What small step could you take, today?

Dear [local fire chief],

I understand our island fire board is receiving public input on the proposed decision to require injection of all staff and firefighters with the experimental product known as the Covid-19 vaccine. While appalled that the board would consider such a dangerous and unethical measure, I appreciate the board’s willingness to consider the weight of evidence and opinions against it.

For authoritative presentation of such evidence, by over 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners, I urge you and the board to view the video or PDF of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. In short, the evidence shows these inoculations “cause more illness than they prevent.”

To you and the board, I appeal to your human morality and common sense in this matter:

  • Legally and ethically, medical decisions should be left in the hands of individual patients and their doctors. You may be personally liable for harm caused by the mandated injections of your workers.
  • As natural immunity is proving stronger than that afforded by vaccines, the proposed staff turnover would have a net adverse effect on staff health and readiness to respond to real emergencies in the community.
  • Injections leading to unprecedented incidents of heart problems in athletes worldwide should be worrisome for a profession such as firefighting, with its high demands of physical exertion and stress.
  • Staff shortages from layoffs will put all our islanders at greater risk from fires, accidents, and emergency medical care.
  • Firing unvaccinated workers is discriminatory against those workers’ civil, constitutional, and human rights. Expecting to replace them with “scab” labour is offensive and detrimental to civic harmony and respect.

In conclusion, there is no credible rationale for mandating Covid vaccination of island firefighters. Rather, every consideration of scientific evidence, legal and medical principles, community safety, and human conscience suggests rejecting such a mandate.

Again, thanks for your openness to hear from your community.

with respect,


 Sky Valley View

Meanwhile, back at the ranch of self…

A perfect picture, in words, is challenging to draw. A winding road through trees, fall colors, in late afternoon light, with small clouds on a pastel blue wedge of sky…

It reminds me of scenes of my youth: Kentucky, West Virginia… a simpler, pastoral time; a vision of the peaceful life. Beaming with clarity, completeness.

Yet this quality of vision is held not in the details of the visual scene, the coordinates in time and space. It’s not about getting attached to manifesting that particular snapshot somehow in a permanent way; to build a cabin with that exact view.

Rather, if that sky valley view appears ideal, just keep it rolling, holding that frequency of intention. Let the quality of perfection and grace continue to pervade the shifting scene, the movie reel of the real, as it unrolls in front of the feet, step by step.

Being the Best You Can Be

Ambition, hailed as so necessary and good in our acquisitive culture, is fraught with pitfalls, regardless of whether we appear to succeed in it or not. From the outset it entails karmic contracts and responsibilities, results both predictable and unforeseen. We know for certain it risks the taint of ego trips, pride pratfalls, and other carnival attractions suitable for comedy or tragedy. Nevertheless, we seek to do our best.

In elementary school I played the trumpet for three years but only rose to second chair. Since I could not be among the best, I figured what was the point? This was America, where you’re told you can be president (or failing that, a dentist). I quit so I could join the football team rather than play in the halftime band. Alas, I only made second string. In college I started learning guitar, but then there was Hendrix.

So it goes, in the world of competition. You can indeed be best… if you are the best. For the rest of us… maybe we can do better then best. Or rather, be best at being you.

The problem with best is its hierarchy of status and privilege. “Best” implies, not only “worst,” for the most deplorable, but also “not good enough” for everyone else. So many give up trying, and simply succumb to mass distraction: digital entertainment, social media, fast food and its mind-numbing cousin, packaged news.

Lost in the shuffle for likes is the will to be different. In the pen of the herd is apparent safety, while the top of the flock is reserved for stud service and prize display, and the young and the aged are culled. Raise too much of a ruckus and you’ll be first (if that appeals to you) on the chopping block.

Besides, goes the law of the herd, being an individual is selfish. Tribal taboos are sacred for a reason; overstep and you’ll be cast out, so ordered life can go on. The official ideology of the world today paints self-determination as selfish, freedom as quaint, the right to say “no” as naïve. If you fail to kneel you’re a racist; if you advocate Palestinian rights you’re antisemitic; if you’re not a designated color or gender you’re a target. Because everything is political, everything must be correct. Since best is not available to all, conformity will have to do: it’s best for all.

I just want to know, who is this all? And who decides what is best for each and all?

For your own life pursuits, you are free (given sufficient privileges and dues paid to rules) to try your luck and skill at whatever; to aim to be the best, or simply to enjoy playing the game or instrument of choice. When you reach your limits on the avenue of competition, you still have a creative medium to turn to: yourself.

You have the power and capacity to be the best you can be. It probably won’t be the socially recognized top of any chart. It might be scraping the top of a niche you discover, carved out to suit your particular talent. You can define it even now, retroactively: you are the best friend, companion, parent, business owner, craftsperson, caregiver, highway flagperson you can be. Or maybe, not yet, but tomorrow…

Ultimately the matter is subjective. “The Best” is a test we can devise and revise, to serve our own most fundamental desire and ambition. When those, too, become verboten, then maybe, as neoliberal thought leader Francis Fukuyama prophesied, we will have arrived at the End of History.

The Trouble with People

The trouble with people is…

We try too hard to be perfect,
Or we don’t try hard enough.

We ask too many questions,
Or we forget to ask the ones that matter.

We’re stubborn to a fault,
Or we refuse to take a stand.

Calling other people nonpeople,
We forget the fate of our children.

Forgetting the ancestors,
Forgetting to respect Mother Earth.

We think everything is permitted.
We forget we’re not in charge.

And we forget we are.

Freedom Riders

Propaganda Takedown

‘All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.’  —Arthur Schopenhauer

‘Polling has also been dreadful for Democrats, with Biden’s approval rating sinking to a new low as just 15.5% of Americans say they trust the president when it comes to information about COVID-19.’ —Paul Joseph Watson

‘Now, what used to be considered a flaw, having a conflict of interest, is considered a virtue… If you’re on the inside now, where the conflicts of interests are, you’re considered an expert. Conflict of interest is considered evidence of your having been read in, of being knowledgeable. So we have taken what was the first commandment in journalism — Thou shalt police for conflict of interest! — and turned it upside-down. We’ve said, you should seek out those who have the most conflict. The intelligence person is reporting on war, the pharmaceutical spokesman is reporting on the effectiveness of a vaccine. The pharmaceutical CEOs, you go to them first. —Walter Kirn

‘Are we ignorant boobs like the public in Don’t Look Up? Or is it that we intuit what the public eventually wakes up to: “They’ve been lying to us.” Recent developments indicate the latter. Today Covid cases are as high if not higher in the vaxxed as in the unvaxxed; the vaccinated still spread the disease, and in many places hospitalizations and deaths among the vaccinated are overtaking those among the unvaccinated.’ See hereherehere, and here. —Charles Eisenstein

‘If the vaccine does not prevent people from spreading or contracting COVID; being hospitalized; or dying from COVID, what possible justification can you provide for involuntarily detaining individuals and families in quarantine facilities? And that’s only part of the story. The other part of the story—the one the propagandists don’t show you—is the CDC’s vaccine surveillance system has just surpassed a historic 1 million adverse event reports  (1,016,999 as of 12/31/21) for the COVID vaccines, including 21,382 deaths—5,252 of which occurred within the first forty-eight hours following injection. Contemplate that for a moment—nearly a quarter of reported deaths occurred within the first two days after vaccination.’ —Margaret Anna Alice, Letter to the Washington State Board of Health

‘When you read an announcement in corporate media that reports a new decision or action by the federal pharmaceutical agencies (FPA’s for short), simply ask yourself “is that what a pharmaceutical company would do?” Perfect example of this exercise was 2 days ago when it was announced that the “FPA” had authorized boosters for 12–17-year-olds against omicron (a generally mild cold in kids), using a vaccine designed for older, fundamentally different variants that have already spectacularly failed at giving protection against omicron given ever-increasing data of “negative efficacy” (i.e., vaccinated people are getting omicron more frequently than the unvaccinated). Yet the FPA “doubles down” with yet another “non-scientific policy” so that Pharma can increase the total market size of those eligible for a vaccine… and who cares if this decision ends up sending more kids to hospital than the disease ever would. Another brutal assault on public health. Another day in the United States of Pharma.’ —Dr. Pierre Kory, Saturday Night Fight… At The Pharmacy\

Grateful, or Dead?

Be careful what you’re grateful for. Is it for Life, the source and the earth? Or is it for false protection, false promises, submission to the digital matrix? In this brief presentation John Lash upacks the murderous intent of our would-be gods, against the healing wisdom of the earth goddess. The path back to her realm, Lash concludes, is that of living gratitude, honoring her gifts we have forgot. (YouTube)

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Talking Spirit: Essays and Inspirations, by Nowick Gray

Essays spanning three decades—reflective yet contemporary, philosophical and practical—address human nature and environmental ethics; personal and metapolitical intention; radical insight and live freedom in thought, emotion and action.

Order now from Amazon.

See more of Nowick Gray’s writings at, or subscribe to his Substack – New World Dreaming. Nowick is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. He helps other writers as a freelance copyeditor at

image credits:

(feature) sky valley cafe: NG
liberty: facebook
fear: The Telegraph
dark age: James Lindsay, Twitter
imagine: facebook/R. Trout
sky valley: artist unknown (Lake Atitlan, Guatemala)
convoy: facebook
tide turning: facebook
truth-lie: Steve Kirsch
v & unv: Kim Usbourne
transmit: facebook
obit: NG
anothercon: facebook
mass formation: twitter

Privatizing Nature

By William T. Hathaway

The financial wizards of Wall Street have devised a new way to profit from Mother Nature. They’ve created a class of stocks called Natural Asset Companies that will control the earth’s resources such as water, wildlife, forests, minerals, and farmland. The project was developed by the Intrinsic Exchange Group in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the investment firm Aberdare Ventures.

According to the Intrinsic Exchange Group’ website, the purpose of these companies is the “conversion of natural assets into financial capital. … These assets make life on Earth possible and enjoyable. … They include biological systems that provide clean air, water, foods, medicines, a stable climate, human health and societal potential. … The potential of this asset class is immense. Nature’s economy is larger than our current industrial economy and we can tap this store of wealth and productivity.” They estimate the value of the “global ecosystem services market” at $125 trillion annually.

The Natural Asset Company will either own the land itself or will own the right to use and sell the resources of the land, including recreational access. For example, people could be charged for hiking and fishing on public land.

The USA will eventually be included, but cash-strapped countries in Latin America are being targeted first. The government of Costa Rica has already expressed interest. The Minister of Environment and Energy, Andrea Meza Murillo, stated the project “will deepen the economic analysis of giving nature its economic value.” Although this will be a windfall for their elite, it will probably be a disaster for the indigenous people who draw their sustenance from the land.

The board of governors of the New York Stock Exchange saw such potential for profit that they took the unusual step of becoming a partner in the venture themselves. According to NYSE’s Michael Blaugrund, “Our hope is that owning a Natural Asset Company is going to be a way that an increasingly broad range of investors have the ability to invest in something that’s intrinsically valuable, but, up to this point, was really excluded from the financial markets.”

Natural Asset Companies are a new way to turn public resources into private profits. They are another step towards what George W. Bush proudly touted as the “Ownership Society” in which everything becomes property.  The juggernaut of capitalism is lurching closer to its endstation, where all life is commodified, reduced to money. Nature, including human beings, is being shrunken down to coins — the Beezosification, Gatesification, Muskification of the universe.

It’s time to overthrow this parasitical system that is grabbing up more and more of the world. Here’s an action plan to build something better:

William T. Hathaway was a Fulbright professor of American studies at universities in Germany, where he currently lives. He is the author of Radical Peace: People Refusing War, which tells the experiences of war resisters, deserters, and peace activists from the USA, Iraq, and Afghanistan and of Lila, the Revolutionary, a fable for adults about an eight-year-old girl who sparks a world revolution for social justice.