Landfills Filled: New World Odor

by Mankh (Walter E. Harris III)
Are you dizzy from the smell?
Are you tired, stressed, overreacting
to what was said
in the news or by your neighbor,
emotions running high?

Are you jacked-up-stuck-in-the-box
craving a side of freedom fries
reeking of new world odor,
stench form the newsroom war trenches
(actually windowless cubicles)
so thick
not even a plug-in diffuser with scented oil
could hide what’s spoiled —
landfills filled
but spirits empty.

A little history lesson:
off course
they sailed for the so-called new world . . .
too fast-food forward
craving a side of freedom fries,
denying there’s an empire of lies,
selling, buying and eating up the hypnotize
when all the time it was about supplies —
landfills filled
but spirits empty,
welcome to the new world odor.

And the war trenches
where civilians, soldiers and neo-nazis cling
to their lives
because of supplies
(and what about the so-called untermenschen worldwide).

Wake up,
can you smell the roses?
The coffee? That scent
the spring rain stirs upwards
from the bone-dry earth?

With landfills filled
there’s nowhere else to go,
nowhere ‘new’ to sail to —
so now they want the DNA codes,
the digital codes
and microchipped hands
over arrhythmic hearts
one world nation
under Narrative
with freedom fries and woke diversity for all
(except the untermenschen).

But how many can smell what’s coming
when the screens have no sense of smell,
nor taste, nor touch,
half-living in a two-dimensional
box of sight and sound,
while the new world odor
tries to slide through,
under the door.

(reprinted with permission from Axis of Logic)

Mankh (Walter E. Harris III) is an essayist and resident poet at Axis of Logic. Check out his newest book Moving Through The Empty Gate Forest: inside looking out. In addition to his work as a writer and small press publisher, he travels a holistic mystic pathway staying in touch with Turtle Island. His website is here.

Ban the Borg

‘The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek fictional universe. The Borg are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s ultimate goal is “achieving perfection”.

The Borg have become a symbol in popular culture for any juggernaut against which “resistance is futile”, a common phrase uttered by the Borg.’ —Wikipedia

The Problem

Currently the Borg, in the humanitarian guise of the World Economic Forum and its fellow apex predators, are waging a war on humanity. The time is short for our survival as a natural species, against the technocratic drive to transhumanize us and separate us from our free and earthly nature. The problem is ably elucidated with appropriate urgency by Substacker BHerr in The Endgame:

‘The Endgame is this: to catalogue every human being electronically; to organize humankind into controllable and predictable global subjects; to control all natural resources; to make the globe “efficient”. A select few will sit at the top, and the masses will be below, living at the whim of the ruling class (who give Scouts honor they will be benevolent, fair, and generous.)’ —BHerr

The vision of universal servitude is only enabled, indeed embraced, by docile populations under the media-induced psychosis known as Mass Formation, now widely exposed by Mattias Desmet as a collective hypnotic trance.

BHerr elaborates on this human side of the problem in a companion post, Mass Formation And The Way Out. Along with the needed alarm bell to wake us up from our Borg-friendly slumber, we need a positive vision of a way out, and a better way forward—”Fight the Borg and try to salvage our human dignity, freedom, and the essence of what makes us alive… [so] we’ll be able to pursue our successes and failures as individuals and as a race as a FREE people.”

BHerr goes on to propose massive and widespread pressure on media channels and influencers to turn the click-tide in humanity’s favor. That’s asking a lot of an industry that has already well demonstrated its capture by the Borg. Yet signs show it is already failing (Exhibit A, the crash and burn of CNN+), losing ground in the information war it has so far dominated with genocidal effect.

Still, gaining ground in the war against evil is not enough. We need a more positive vision to live for, to replace the Borgian fantasy world that is being programmed for us.

Binocular Vision

To see the world in 3-D, we need both eyes open. Neither a rosy positive vision or a fatally depressing one will motivate us with the promise of success. Taking both views together, we may be inspired to take remedial action. Rejecting apathy or a mandated brand of hope, and fueled by righteous anger over crimes against humanity, we may divert our course to a new, more human direction, a positive vision worth striving for.

Okay, like…

Liberté, egalité, fraternité. (France)

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (USA)

Peace, order, and good government. (Canada)

Workers of the world, unite! (USSR)

All fine-sounding words, but those flying such banners have proved in the end to be a murderous bunch, more liars and thieves. The purveyors of positive political vision have given it a bad name, and their religious brethren of the ages have fared no better.

Uncasting the Spell

Given the current totalitarian push and its prevailing mass hypnosis, what is the way out?

The guideposts are the immediate causes of the mass psychosis that facilitates the rise of the totalitarian state (or global governance), as outlined by Desmet:

  • social isolation
  • the lack of meaning in life
  • free-floating anxiety
  • frustration and aggression

These conditions are sown by a lifetime of conditioning and coercion: from public schooling, media passivity and consumer culture, to corporate bureaucracy and political shadow puppetry. From the nuclear family to mutually assured destruction. From the Hollywood story line to the death squads in the wings. From academic niche to toxic seascape, we feel powerless and, if we are honest, abused. Without outlet, we crave like addicts more of the same, and numbly bow to our new masters, same as the old masters but with more insidious, more comprehensive, more scientific tools at their disposal.

To get at the root of our vulnerability and break the toxic spell, we must first acknowledge our victimhood and awake to the real danger we are up against. Rejecting the globalist dystopia, we reassert our positive humanity.

We choose the path of voluntary association, away from the ruling pyramid.

We exercise our natural and instinctive right to free speech and self-determination, enshrined in our charters of rights and the principle of informed consent.

We take action to improve our lives in our neighborhood, town and district.

We put the lives, livelihood and well-being of our children ahead of vampire corporations, zombie financial interests, and other Borgian constructs.

Jon Rappoport clarifies that the main issue on the planet right now is not right or left on the political spectrum, nor the classic rich versus poor—nor even good against evil—but centralization vs. decentralization.

An allied concept is that of collectivism vs. individualism.

‘The new political axis is between individual freedom to choose and collectivism. Not left versus right. Not Nazi versus Woke…. I choose freedom, as embodied in the core beliefs and thought which nourishes the roots of the American enlightenment, the Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Not the collectivist world view which Davos Man and his WEF lackeys have cleverly weaponized to hide his egregious self-interest driven rape of the planet, its human capital, cultures and economies.’ —Dr. Robert Malone, Populism vs. Davos Man during COVID

Centralized control is exercised in the name of the collective good. To carry out collective decision making, centralization has been the dominant choice—or force.

Decentralization reaches its logical end in the individual; and the impulse to think and act locally begins also with the individual, a person in place. This is the basic human level of reality, from which family and tribe are added—a political skin to a social body.

Those not satisfied with their own skin (or kin) reach beyond to some imagined importance, elevation of status, power to employ, other souls to save. Closer to home, we get to know our neighbors when they grow our food, when they trade for our skill, when we share rides.

What is human? Is it strapped to a laptop, eyes glued to screen, counting digits in the matrix? Is it rising from the moss, to gaze skyward, and wonder what the new race has brought, uninvited? Surely it includes asking, What is human?

The Middle Way

Obscured by the binary battlefield is the direction of a better way, the middle way.

The path that is not yet mapped, and laid with snares.

The program that cannot be named, funded, or infiltrated.

The future that unfolds by its own intelligence, not fed exclusively on data.

‘We can never know exactly where democracy is going to take us – not this time, nor the next, nor the time after that.’ —Peter C. Baker, quoted by Dr. Robert Malone, Populism vs. Davos Man during COVID

‘We need small communities that try every kind of self-governing experiment under the sun. Not so that we can select a winner and then install that system for 10 billion people. No. Rather, so people can decide their own fate. And if they don’t like what they’ve decided, they can change their minds. Quickly. In other words, people channel their whining and screaming and protesting and violence and destruction into ruling themselves, in manageable ways.’ —Jon Rappoport, Rebuilding civilization in the wake of losing this one

Between the collectivist and the individualist, we place the agorist, the friend and neighbor, the co-op store.

Between central government and no rules at all, follow a tribe, clan, neighborhood or parish council approach to solving problems.

This exit from the expanding box of central control has been called “fourth world” thinking. Along with a multiplicity of local initiatives, it picks up the thread of human sustainability from the surviving knowledge and traditions of indigenous peoples and cultures.

Though it once seemed a humane concept to “think globally,” Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have shown us the anti-human vision behind the philanthropic mask. In the upheaval of the plandemic, their top-down force seems irresistible, whether we see it as negative or positive.

You may have already lost your business to the lockdowns, or your job to the vax mandate. Looking ahead to simultaneous failures of supply chains, currencies, and food and energy supplies, we will face two solutions: the handout of the friendly central government (if we have been good); or local, self-organizing, voluntary and mutual aid and trade to meet our needs.

The latter approach is the way of decentralization. It is often touted by the centralists as extreme—akin to unthinkable anarchy, social chaos, feudalism, and other primitive barbarisms. To paint the alternative so darkly closes the door of fear in the masses and reinforces blithe acceptance of the opposite extreme, central control. The conversation has left out the humane middle way: the positive human equation of creating social and economic relations in the place where we live.

Without paying duty, tithe, tax or tribute to the conquering parasite.

Invariably in our experience, unchecked governing power has created more problems than it promises to solve. Instead it chokes the native impulse to thrive, individually and collectively, as it indulges its own impulse of greed or sickness, evil or misguided ideal.

Cast it away, along with its rasping mouthpiece, the blown bullhorn of the mainstream media.

Find your own voice, and hear what your neighbor has to say.

If you don’t like the answer, the next step is up to you. Step up, or walk away.

What does it mean to you, to be human?

From that stance, what makes sense to you moving forward? And is that sense informed by your own experience and intuition, or is it simply a cliché you’ve been given to repeat?

If that personal sense makes sense to you and me, where can it lead? Maybe we don’t know yet, and don’t need to know, as we continue in free cooperation to work out common solutions.

Decentralized Rule

Rule number one: Open your eyes to the ground in front of you.

Is it broken pavement, cast aside for distant priorities?

Is it razed forest, a quick sale to a developer?

Is it a throne in front of the grandmother tree?

The Grandmother Tree

She called me in, from the momentum of my stride on the road, said come sit here.

I eased my back against her soft cedar bark, crouched cradled in her wide-root embrace.

I saw the carpet of moss, heard a trickling creek, smelled silence.

She said, This is how we do things here.

We start from here, come back to here.

“Everything you thought you wanted, where is it now?

And if you had it, what then?

That would be this.

What lies in front of you, in the silence.

Now available in one volume, Nowick Gray’s collected essays from The New Agora, 2019-21.

Metapolitical: Practicing Our Human Future, by Nowick Gray

Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. Subscribe to his Substack (New World Dreaming) or visit his  writings website at

image credits:

(feature) Borg logo: CellarDoor85 from original design by Rick Sternbach
Bond villain: el gato malo
QR flag: renegade mind
left values: Dr. Robert Malone substack
Gates world: Dr. Robert Malone substack
good witch: el gato malo
grandmother tree: Nowick Gray


Ant’s Eye View

Spring Cleaning

by Nowick Gray

Junk News Fast

Lately the news has come all of a piece: mostly aptly summarized as “The Empire of Lies.” I used to scan the feed to find new evidence, new insight, new clarification about what was going on in the world. Now it’s all too clear that there’s a bifurcation of realities. There’s one hoax and spinfest after another from the mainstream media and official channels, and the common sense and independent research on the alternative side exposing what’s really going on.

Still I save to share the best of what I come across, that which most succinctly or eloquently portrays the circus of madness. Over the past two weeks, these include:

Announcing a hostile takeover of the left – by Toby Rogers

Springtime for GloboCap – CJ Hopkins

On Being Disappeared – The Chris Hedges Report

“Gradually, …Then Suddenly!” | ZeroHedge

The Media Is The Number One Cause Of War Since 1898 | ZeroHedge

Oliver Stone Documents the Past to Illuminate the Present, by Edward Curtin – The Unz Review

DOJO-> SECRETS REVEALED – Philosophers Stone

Hollywoods Propaganda Factory – Light On Conspiracies – Revealing the Agenda

The Real SOUL of a Terror Shoe – Light On Conspiracies – Revealing the Agenda

Manufactured Crisis: CIA trained the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and has chosen Ukraine as birthplace of new “Global White Supremacist” Terror Threat – The Expose

The Curious Butchers of Bucha – The Good Citizen

Pakistan warns of foreign-backed regime-change attempt, to disrupt China/Russia alliance

The fall of Rome – by Toby Rogers – uTobian

Airtable – 2021-2022 Epidemic of heart issues in athletes – Chronological order

Are You a Good German or a Badass German?

Episode #104 – Matt Ehret and the Proper Role of the Dissident as Leader – Gold Goats ‘n Guns

WAKE UP and Smell the Burning of Our Constitution

Stephen Petty – Expert Testimony On the effectiveness of masks

Vaccine-Induced AIDS, 5000% Excess Mortality, 5G, and Agenda 21

Corona Virus/Jab/Remdesivir = King Cobra Venom

BC Lawyer’s Letter Blows Apart Bonnie’s Virus Story – Not Your CBC News

The Lying Media’s Ukraine Propaganda – by Vasko Kohlmayer

Defeat the Mandates LA – by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Empire of Lies – by Vasko Kohlmayer

… more at Quarantine Reading List…

A Few of My Favorite Memes

Then of course there is the endless parade of politically conscious memes, which convey truth with the vital ingredient of our humanity (and the secret sauce of truth itself), humor. Here are some of my recent favorites, each worth its weight in 1000-word packets:

Apocalypse Now: Vietnam Syndrome II

During the Vietnam War, the US position in a losing battle was that they could not withdraw, or all the death and destruction to that point would have been wasted. It’s the classic case of the gambler deep in debt, who cannot quit but instead borrows more in a vain attempt to recoup those losses. In the political sphere it’s more about saving face in the short term, to delay full exposure down the road. In economics it’s infinite inflation, infinite debt… until the whole pyramid of cards comes crashing down.

With official and even private sector and personal Covid policy, it’s obligatory now to keep defending the fake vaccines and masks despite all evidence to the contrary, because to admit they are useless or harmful would mean admission of error and guilt. So the day of judgment is merely postponed…

Speaking of saving face, leave it to the Chinese to double down on the hopeless eradication of an endemic virus, at the expense of a total lockdown of the city of Shanghai.

“If we stop all containment measures now, it means all the previous efforts are for nothing,” Liang Wannian, a top official at the National Health Commission, said in late March in response to a reporter’s query on why China is not shifting toward treating COVID as endemic, like influenza. —ZeroHedge

In Vietnam, the dysfunction of continuing to wage a losing war found expression in that genocidal policy of burning villages in order to save them. Apparently China aims to model for the global governments that the insanity can apply to a city as well, or a whole country. What are people, anyway, but excess data, an overpopulated ant colony?

I take refuge in the wider view… or in this case, the closer view: the philosophy of, say an otherwise insignificant ant. For on the ground of facts and ideas, below the media circus of smoke and mirrors, life goes on…

Philosophy of an Ant

I am an ant.  At every twig I have a choice.  There is no philosophy in my world, this is true.  And yet I have a voice.  These words rhyme for a reason.  There is a choice at every word.  If I had no language, the situation would be the same. The language of action—choice at the twig.

Left or right?  At every moment I choose: or choose to stop and wait, to communicate my dilemma.  Is it a dilemma, or a gift?  That interpretation, too, is subject to choice.

I can leave this body in my imagination, choose to be a human writing about me, or a deer casually strolling by and about to step on me, or the other species of ant creature which I just yesterday killed and am carrying now home to devour with my fellows.

I have a choice of which vernacular to speak in.  Which style of language, of thought, indeed of…

Is there a language inherent in antness?

I said we have no philosophy.  This is not true.  We have the philosophy we choose at any moment to embrace.  It could be the philosophy of left-turning, of right-turning, of stopping to chew the fat (or the reedy leg of this victim of mine…).  Philosophy is a choice, and an ill-chosen word at that, because it puts off the less-educated reader who might otherwise benefit from its insights.

Now I’ve really gone off the deep end.

How can I call into this discussion allusions of things not of my world?

And yet, in the ecological view, my world is your world is all worlds; all worlds are one.

I continue, stepping over rocks the size of grains of sand—depending on your perspective.  Can ants talk?  This is a philosophical riddle.  This ant communicates by a manner of speech, written form, would you prefer that I dip my six feet in ink and crawl across your page?  Come scuttling in whispering, knocking with my raspy knees at your eardrum?

I hear an echo calling, of a former occupation of mine: barker for the circus.

I used to be a poet, a self-described poet, in my youth.  I plied the sticky market trade.

Today I am a forest creature: insofar as there is forest left for me to dwell in.  When a kitchen is built upon this spot, I will be at home in wall or in cabinet drawer, nibbling compost.

There is wisdom in my mind as in yours.  Philosophy, as I was saying before I became intoxicated and diverted with the multitude of choices of topics to dwell on, is a matter of habit.  My patterns become your philosophy of my life: seen from above.

Your habits become my philosophy of what it is to be human.

Is this a fiction?  Fiction is a habit of thought, an erection of boundaries between the known and the imagined.  That which is imagined, is it real?  That gets into the realm of philosophy beyond the world of action and habit, into pure speculation which, to my way of thinking, is fruitless to wander.

Let me stick to the exchange of views, creature to creature.  I am tempted to claim by logical argument my place in reality, but again, isn’t the proof in my present words, the presence of my consciousness in proximate communication with yours?

I know the fate of my words.  That is no matter: it will be as the piled bodies of my fellows, or the fellows we eat.  Tinder for the nest, to keep us warm.

Paper burns: very well, let my words burn briefly flaring, and be gone into the night.  Their light is as nothing to the stars.  Yet, I was.

In Covid Narrative Remix: Two Years of Dissent, Nowick Gray critiques the global agenda with the voice of the natural human spirit. These compiled articles from The New Now/Agora (2020-2022) shed light on the narrative sabotage carried out as the primary strategy of the war on humanity. Against that weapon of moral destruction, pen turns to sword in the ongoing battle for truth and freedom.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. Subscribe to his Substack (New World Dreaming) or visit his  writings website at