Part 1. The Fight for Freedom

At last I recognize the voice within, of the oppressed minority. At last I am of that minority.
Actually I have always been here—since my coming of age—a conscientious objector to the tyranny of the silently brainwashed majority.
The presidents of the world have declared the latest “war,” this time on a lifeless scrap of protein, and again I must make my own decision not to participate or cheer like the masses who are self-conscripting and lining up to be injected into the battle. To dissent from this crusade is to be considered a traitor—an enemy of the state, the people, humanity. To ask fundamental questions of fact or purported causes is taboo in a time of declared emergency. Never mind known missteps of the same trusted authorities.
Part 2. “The New Normal”: Adapt or Resist?

Are we really going to be content in the long-term, confined to our personal spaces wired to everyone else and “all that is”—but not even wired, just linked by invisible energy spectra jostling our cells into unnatural states of excitement and modification?
Part 3. The Good News…
The apparent power in the world depends on mass hypnosis based on secrecy and lies. To expose it is to nullify its power, as the spell is broken forever.
We can choose at every moment what to believe.
Nature is still there to show the way home.
Part 4. A Litany of Subversion
On April 9 Anthony Fauci, head health honcho of the White House, urged at a press conference that we must not question the official story of the coronavirus pandemic; instead, “Let somebody write a book about it later on.” He’s obviously been reading the Karl Rove playbook. The former Bush advisor once confided to a reporter, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality…. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Part 5. Under Advisement
Advice I’ve received or come across lately:
- Keep it simple.
- Tell readers what they want to hear.
- Ditch the dogma; idle the ideology.
- Set aside ego identity, worldly fears and desires, competing theories and facts… Look within.
- Go to your room.
The last one came from an astrologer, referencing lockdown, and attributing the command to “Mother Nature.” Upon a moment’s reflection, he added, “Unless it was some idiot in a lab.”
Part 6. Coronavirus Loyalty Quiz
As you peruse the list of names we call each other–the insults and slogans we use to advance our cause and torpedo the agenda of our adversary–check which team you root for. Which arrows do you find yourself slinging?
*Hierachy > > < < Panarchists*
Conspiracy theory! Mind control!
Misinformation! Propaganda!
Isolate! Leave me alone!
Fake news! Fake news!
Part 7. Two Earths
A few years back, a popular psychic, Dolores Cannon, advanced a theory that the Earth would split into two Earths. It was easy then to dismiss her vision as metaphysical fantasy, yet now its symbolism speaks to our present circumstance: a world divided.
There are the believers, and the nonbelievers. The latter by definition are heretics, and as such they are figuratively burned at the stake whenever they dare challenge or even question the dominant narrative, the manufactured false consensus.
Part 8. Factism: The Creature From Quantum Reality
Factism is the new Fascism. Welcome to the Brave New Abnormal, the world of Quantum Reality. Where the subjective reflections of a given fact overwhelm the fact itself, helpless as a particle in a wave of change. Where the timelines of possible futures all converge into one singular outcome of global consensus, programmed to self-correct on all channels. Where self-replicating opinions of respondents overwhelm former bodies of evidence, themselves removed to archives if lucky enough to survive targeted deletion. Truth is relative, to what the experimental controller determines to measure. “Reality is what we say it is.”
Part 9: Unmask Thyself

Your hand masks your mouth.
You ask yourself: is this me?
What is your answer?
Truth behind the mask:
We all want to stay alive.
Are we still human?
Part 10: Seeing Through the Smoke
Is it really the virus that closed the Treehouse Café, or misinformation about testing, or simply policy guidance regardless of facts? The information landscape is under a full-spectrum assault from the entrenched interests of big government, big media, big business, and big pharma. It is up to a free-thinking citizenry to question, challenge, and set the record straight, especially when our livelihoods and lifestyles are in the line of fire.
Part 11: Our Timeline, Our Choice

Like the multiple forks of a “choose your own adventure” story, there is no one certain outcome (though all the official signage might be pointing us that way). There is another option, the timeline of our choosing. Pooling our collective intention to live in a world ruled by common sense instead of a conspiracy of evil, such an earthly vision takes shape and comes into view. And not necessarily over a long period of time. When the apple is ready to fall from the tree…
Part 12: Covid Research Made Easy
To assist you in finding quality information so you can make up your own mind about the “facts” from a diversity of sources, I offer the following compilation from my own efforts. While I am not a scientist or health professional, I can bring my skills as a professional editor to bear in this search for truthful information. Just as I use my own discernment to select sources I find credible, you must use your own discernment to find the facts and narratives that most resonate with your experience and common sense.

Part 13: Five Condemic Queries

- Has AI Already Hacked Us?
- Who Benefits?
- How to Dethrone the Despots?
- Did We Sell Out for Comfort?
- We or I?
Appendix: 5 key events in the fake pandemic
Part 14: Deep Down

Deep down, what are we afraid of?
For some, it’s “The Virus”: the invisible enemy, just like the terrorists before, or the Commies.
For others who see through those charades, it’s the government… or just, government itself…
Part 15: Humanity Unlocked
- The fake pandemic is not a pandemic. It is a normal flu season.
- The fake virus has never been isolated and proven to exist. It is a computer simulation of a DNA sequence.
- The fake cases are not based on infections or illness. They are fake results from a fake test.
- The fake deaths are rebranded deaths from other causes. Overall death rates are normal, by infection rate and yearly total.
- The fake vaccine doesn’t prevent death, illness, or transmission. It is not a vaccine, but a genetic modification device and AI operating system for human experimentation and tracking.
Part 16: Coronavid Gotya
Is this modern-day rendition of Animal Farm playing to script—Sheep ruled by Wolves owned by Pigs—or is there something deeper at work?
From lucidity knowledge is born;
from passion comes greed;
from dark inertia come negligence,
delusion and ignorance. (Bhagavad-Gita, XIV:17)
Part 17: To Jab or Not to Jab
To carefully assess risks and benefits, one must consider information beyond what is filtered to us from a single perspective or authority steering us to a predetermined solution.
Part 18: Start Making Sense
The human animal is by now so long domesticated that it has become fatally attached to its condition of dependence. This is the default identity of the chronically abused, the collectively traumatized, the drugged and desensitized—the willing subject and compliant slave, if not eager enforcer.
Recommended reading and listening…
A quick guide to selected topics: Covid Research Made Easy
Quarantine Reading List – my curated selections of alternative news from 2020
The (Deep?) State We’re In – with Yolande Norris-Clark
The Creation of a False Epidemic – with Jon Rappoport
Top Doctor Exposes Everything the Deep State is Trying to Hide on CV – with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai