“Those in charge have long since signalled that they have no intention of returning to a liberal democracy founded on the recognition of inalienable individual rights and freedoms. If data were the ingredient required to confront them, they would have folded long ago. They are impervious to data. This isn’t about a virus. This is a psychological game and it’s all about power and control.…
“More importantly, we need everyone who sees it to be willing to say it out loud.”
– Julius Ruechel, “The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell”
[and see video interview, “The Road to Freedom”].
Then: Better not bring *that* up—risking controversy and social rejection.
Now: There is no controversy—only totalitarian rule, or its rejection in freedom.
Previously, self-censorship was sufficient, the Overton window implicit in all public (and most private) discourse. Certain topics or points of view (false flags, 9/11, chemtrails, UFOs) one just didn’t discuss… unless one was content to operate on the internet fringes, researching “tinfoil conspiracies.”
Today, in the wake of the Woke Coup, the rules of culture war have been canceled; even the Overton window has been thrown out the window. Meaningful dissent of official narratives has been pushed further off the margins into the hell-realm of “hate speech,” “dangerous extremism,” “domestic terrorism.” Replacing the now co-opted and defunct “liberal class,” an increasingly paranoid ruling class claims ownership of a fake consensus, against which fake controversy is touted as a threat, a picture framed around fake enemies who must be erased from the canvas.
True controversy being silenced, our duty more than ever is to speak up and speak out, to crack the false consensus and fake narrative. To shout down and ridicule the huckster’s pitch; to shake off the iron grip in the velvet glove of a manufactured matrix; to tell the truth.
This organized effort by men constituting a true invisible government has been a conscious, decades long, manipulation of the minds of the masses, through media propaganda, government cultural indoctrination, and most recently through internet social media platforms.
Those in control have achieved astounding success in exploiting the psychological weaknesses of millions of Americans by inducing them to believe absurd falsities, consume on command, become dependent on government handouts, go into debt, work soul crushing jobs, become addicted to the very technology used to manipulate them and surveil them, and believe anything authority figures tell them to believe. The past seventeen months have proven this to be true.
They convinced an enormous portion of the world’s population a non-lethal virus, for anyone under 80 years old in decent health, was such a threat they agreed to be locked down and masked for a year, destroying the global economy, putting tens of millions out of work, bankrupting hundreds of thousands of small businesses, and benefiting authoritarian government tyrants, mega-corporations, and criminal cabal who stole the presidential election for a senile hair sniffing angry gaffe machine functioning as a Trojan donkey (ass) to implement the Build Back Better, new world order WEF plan.
—Jim Quinn, Cascade of Consequences
Against the truth there is no controversy, only slander and the lies of propaganda.
Against the rulership of the group, all of us are “targeted individuals.” First identified are the dissenters who dare to speak the truth; but their repression is only a more obvious version of our whole lives spent as muted targets of constant propaganda. Today the subtlety is gone, and we are being taken aboard a train with a well-known itinerary: to the gulag, the detention camp, the quarantine facility, the offshore prison, the mass grave.
How to know the truth?
“Believe only what you know.” —Robert Stone, Damascus Gate
- Practice for living: stand barefoot on the bare earth.
What do you feel, in that connection?
What do you see, from that pure stance?
What do you know, in that core simplicity?
All the rest is fiction. Does it benefit you? At what cost?
- Practice for dying: exhale and stop breathing.
You are there. What else is there? You’ll know.
Everything else out of the way, your truth remains.
What people tell you, that’s on them. What do they know?
They say it’s more about who you know. I edit further: it’s how you know.
At great cost, the empire of lies will fall, every time.
Dust settles. Breath stops. Truth returns to the land.
“There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” —George Orwell, 1984
What can you do to help break the spell of silent complicity?
Wear an Orwell hat.
- Shout “You’re fired!” in a crowded Covid theatre.
- Call BS to the person in line regurgitating the latest mainstream “news.”
- Attend a Zoom meeting on “misinformation” and set the record straight.
- Fact check a fake fact-checker.
- Say goodbye to fake friends who prefer the bubble-wrap of the new normal.
- Just say no—out loud—at every opportunity.
- Say yes to all the life-affirming, human values you hold dear.
- Play your trump card (no, not That one; but yours):
In a game of cards, the trump ranks above the King, and even the Ace. It comes out of nowhere to end the play in its favor, above the laws of lesser cards. It is the wise-guy fool who tells the fatal, redeeming truth, cries fake news, and does a pratfall for the crowd. In the gaze of the trump card even the emperor has no clothes. The trump plays trumpet, or flute like Kokopeli or Pan. His impish airs delight the rabble, inflame the priests, embarrass courtiers, expose frauds. For his own protection, he will disavow all serious intent.
Opposing the benevolent trumpster is a dark-side trump, the trickster gone bad. This evil counterpart is played by the curtained oligarch, the hidden hand. Ruling outside the rules, this power abhors all competition, claims ownership of the puppet on the throne. It thought its greed for power could conquer all; credited its gains to its worldly trump card of brute force, and the threat thereof, and the means by its gains to ensure yet greater gains at every step of the game.
It forgot the hand of fate, of the divine trickster, the sly raven, wily coyote.
As for the capital T, The Donald earned his stripes under the Big Top dealing the Boss’s ultimate trump card: “You’re fired.” Even he was trumped in the end, though—cheated on the final hand for the whole pot. He slunk away, red-faced and ham-fisted. What the ruling faction abhorred most was his revelation and demonstration that there was such a thing as a trump, which they held in secret theretofore.
Now the battle of trump cards, theirs versus his, is seemingly over. But what if he’s not the only one: just the most obvious archetype, at a time in history when it had to be played, ready or not.
Next up to take the baton? What if “we the people” drew not one card with a capital T but a multitude of trump cards, and played them all at once?
We probably have enough stake left for yet one more hand. Let’s each find our own personal trump card and lay it down. You know what they say: use it or lose it.
Watch an interview with Nowick and Lorenzo of the New Now Agora on this topic, recorded 21 July 2021:
Watch an interview – “The Road to Freedom” – with Julius Ruechel, author of “The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell”
image credits:
(feature) Brighter Future: Jordan Henderson
government meme: Nowick Gray
Orwell hat: MakeOrwellFictionAgain.com
CNN: James O’Keefe, Twitter
fact-check: Kim Usbourne
This artice first appeared in The New Agora.