Staking Out Strands of the Web

Staking Out Strands of the Web

by Nowick Gray

It’s distressing to find, in the cause of championing human freedom, infighting among the freedom fighters. Naturally this conflict sabotages the common cause. Factions and prominent advocates accuse each other of being “controlled opposition,” agents provocateurs, dupes, or self-serving egotists advancing platforms of personal gain. Or, as in Charles Eisenstein’s latest screed (There’s No One Driving the Bus), lacking philosophical depth and moral nuance.

In Eisenstein’s view the impulse to lay blame and identify conspiracy is misguided and distracting from the more diffuse cause of our enslavement, our own inability to exercise personal and communal power in our lives. The resulting void, he urges, is more chaos than conspiracy, more abdication than control. But in the conclusion of the essay he betrays the premise by writing, “It takes commitment to renounce the bribes, ignore the threats, and change the habits.” The obvious rebuttal asks, “Then who is offering the bribes and enforcing the threats?”

It is not my intention to join the infighting by slandering Eisenstein, but to challenge his anti-fundamentalism as yet another version of divisive labeling. He opposes the black-and-white dualism of good guys versus bad guys, in the interest of witnessing the whole field of our collective responsibility. Fair enough, as far as that goes. But the firmness of that denial distracts—if I may use the same term in reverse—from the known planning and perpetration of crimes against humanity by those proud to exercise such control at every level of the machinery of power. That the hierarchy is deep and widespread and staffed by human actors who genuinely believe in the goodness of their technocratic cause does not excuse them from blame and responsibility for its deadly and yes, evil consequences.

The Overton window of acceptable discourse has painted “conspiracy theory” in such dark colors that it seems obligatory to refrain from assigning blame to malign actors on the world stage. Professor Mattias Desmet of “Mass Formation” fame is another case in point, taking pains to avoid targeting “evil globalists” and instead looking to more existential causes of our oppression, such as the “free-floating anxiety” that characterizes modern society and makes us vulnerable. Again it’s important, however, to bring focus also to the forces that exploit and capitalize on that vulnerability.

Why does it have to be either/or? Why can’t we assign responsibility both to victims and perpetrators in the injustice being carried out day by day? Maybe it’s because it’s too uncomfortable then to see oneself as a bit of both, victim and perpetrator.

While I agree that it’s too simplistic to blame the CIA, or China, or Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab for all our woes, why bend over backward to absolve them of their well-documented schemes? True, it may be futile to tie the whole black web to a single super Spider; but how can we deny the gorging of global predators at our expense?

I would prefer to take value from the larger perspectives of Eisenstein and Desmet, as complementary to “conspiracy theory,” rather than attack them as dangerous “controlled opposition.” It’s distressing meanwhile to witness such turf warfare being carried out among the rival champions of human freedom. Lately we see venomous attacks on Desmet by erstwhile champions of COVID dissent Jon Rappoport, CJ Hopkins, and Peter and Ginger Breggin. Hopkins in a recent column even vents his ire on his own commenters who dare to defend the thesis that a collective malaise has given rise to the new medical totalitarianism.

To these vocal critics it’s a simple game of power, and if you don’t agree you are at best stupid or worse, part of the problem. Dr. Robert Malone has suffered similar abuse for his advocacy of Desmet’s premise of our collective hypnosis. If you avoid pointing fingers and laying blame at the feet of any chosen autocrats or puppetmasters, say the critics, it’s a crime of omission and in effect you are playing for the wrong team.

I appeal here to the notion of giving credit to both sides. Yes, we are responsible as a collective and as individuals for our own powerlessness. And yes, certain powerful individuals and elite “powers that be” are milking the global population of every ounce of gold and blood possible. Why can’t both these premises be true, valid, and hold weight in our conversations?

Just as there is no settled “Science” to follow in guiding public policy, there is no magic formula to reversing our oppression, held only by the high priests and coaches of “our team.” It’s about Us, and it’s about Them. It behooves us not to stake our tent in one exclusive camp or another, but to seek how we can join forces to improve our precarious human condition, trembling on the web.

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

Covid Narrative Freedom: Two Years of Dissent

Have you noticed the official narrative shifting? These weekly essays challenged the premises of the global agenda from the beginning, witnessing the manufactured crisis as a war on humanity, and asserting the integrity of the natural human spirit.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. Subscribe to his Substack (New World Dreaming) or visit his  writings website at

Resistance Roundup

Resistance Roundup

by Nowick Gray

Events and opinions, podcasts and documentaries, studies and research papers, exposés and analysis, it comes flooding past on a daily basis. How to keep abreast, digest and make sense of it all, and glean what can serve the cause of human integrity and freedom?

One way is to select what seems the best and most useful, the most inspiring or original, the most groundbreaking or earthshaking, and to share for more deserved exposure.

Pick of the week

The 2-hour documentary, The BIG RESET Movie [The Uncensored] TRUTH of the PANDEMIC (posted 15 September on Odysee).

I don’t know any background about this high-quality production. Obviously European, for the predominantly French and Spanish interviews with subtitles, it’s an all-star cast of prominent scientists, doctors, lawyers, academics and public professionals, eloquent in their distillation of the calculated madness of the misnamed pandemic.

Key themes presented paint a well-rounded and coherent picture of what has happened and why, clarifying motives (The Great Reset, transhumanism) and means (fake PCR tests, controlled media), as well as the deadly crimes (nursing home murders, vaccine deaths) still coming to light.

Not much in this film was new to me after much previous research, but it clarified the monstrous lie we’ve been shepherded by, and it inspires anew to the urgency of our predicament, the challenge we face to reclaim our humanity.

For those who are finally ready for the big red pill, this is definitely one I’d recommend. It strikes the right balance of stark honesty and an implicit call to action. In the closing words of the narrator, it’s a “a warning message to humanity,” invoking the power of birds in flight, and the commitment of one such as Gandhi to the unwavering path of Truth.

Here are a few telling quotes that spoke to me most pointedly of the core agenda at play:

‘We’re actually hacking the software of life.’ —Tal Zaks, medical director of Moderna

‘What the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to is the fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.’ —Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

‘In this project we’re trying to use DNA as a programmable material.’ —Dr. Neil Dalchau, Microsoft research scientist

‘DNA is highly programmable, just like a computer. And we can program a whole range of complex behaviors using DNA molecules.’ —Dr. Andrew Phillips, head of Bio Computation, Microsoft Research

It is in the invisible world that the common human is out of our depth. What is a virus? How does nanotechnology work? Are we now to be considered genetically modified organisms? Why does the not-vaccine contain communicative graphene oxide, and provide us with a MAC and Bluetooth address? Did anyone tell us that by becoming transhuman, we cease to be human?

This is the world of the Big Reset in its end game. Like Star Trek, Brave New World and 1984, it needs to be unshelved from the nonfiction section and returned to its rightful place as fiction.

Speaking of fiction

Chameleon – The Virtual Reality Virus

A retro cyberpunk fable and psychological conspiracy thriller.

Programmer Joe Norton is patient zero, infected by a reality-hacking AI virus through a stealth brain-computer interface. Who’s to blame—Moira, his office mates, the honchos from head office? Is the only way out, to go further in?

Caught between worlds, with a mission to kill and a menu of false choices, Norton must find his way back to the home brain before the bug spreads.


Cartoons, to lighten the load of public insanity

Tatsuya Ishida, on Gettr

Long live the (2) rants against masks…

One by eugyppius and another by Dr. Mark McDonald (Mask Wearing Must be Banned)

Interview of the week:

Mattias Desmet with Tucker Carlson, on Mass Formation psychosis.

Graph of the week:

Postscript: The Reckoning

Further research: Quarantine Reading List

Covid Narrative Freedom: Two Years of Dissent

These weekly articles in The New Agora charted a course of dissent since the beginning of the global coup in 2020. They expose the narrative sabotage in the ongoing war on humanity, and voice instead the sovereign spirit of the natural human.

Order now from Amazon.

Nowick Gray is a regular contributor to The New Agora and also offers perspectives and resources for alternative culture and African drumming. Subscribe to his Substack (New World Dreaming) or visit his  writings website at

The Guru – Live in Your Living Room!

By William T. Hathaway

You can learn to meditate from one of the great spiritual teachers of India, then meditate with him live online and ask him questions – all for free. The first step is to learn his easy technique of Vedic meditation, Jangama Dhyana: Then join him Saturdays for a meditation and question-and-answer session: He transmits a powerful force-field that you access by tuning in with devotion to his voice and picture. Connecting to him will supercharge your spiritual growth and improve your daily life.

Shiva Rudra Balayogi achieved enlightenment in the traditional way: by finding a guru at a young age and serving him devotedly until the master’s death, then retreating into years of intense spiritual practice, and finally emerging to serve humanity. His intellect and heart are overflowing with wisdom and love. He shares his knowledge and the bliss of his presence with all who desire it.

Meditation is a lifeline to sanity in a world gone crazy, and now you can learn it free from an enlightened yogi.