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Alternative Culture Magazine

The big big picture: problems and solutions, empowerment and responsibility

Two video presentations


by Harald Kautz-Vella

When you look at the entire thing, you try to find solutions to it. You realize acually that everybody who is involved, on the different agendas, on the different levels, is doing the same mistake. It is the Luciferic game: "Let me participate in your power, and I will serve you. I don't want to know what you're doing; I don't want to stand in my own responsibility. Just let me participate from your power, and I will serve." This is the Luciferic deal everybody's doing. And we are doing this by going to vote - the government that is taking care of all the pipes we are connected to. But we let go of our responsibility, and we let them do. They're giving control to the military domain, the military domain is giving control, same game, to the intelligence community, the intelligence community is giving control to the black magicians, the black magicians are giving control to the demons, and the demons lost control to their AI. And if we all understand the game, we can just say, Hey. Stupid game. Let's let go of it. And we can stop playing these things, that basically is nothing else than being afraid of self-responsibility. And I think we are at the point in history when every single individual should master that. To regain self-responsibility, and then we will not need a government. It's not about changing the government. Because the entire concept of government, of having governments, someone to control, is demonic. It's not about replacing people. It will never work. We need to replace the game.... We don't need to fight anybody, when we get rid of this problem.

Heart to Heart with Simon Parkes and Linda McCallum

An overall positive view of the situation we face, with the power of choice... (tapping into that cozy core of true British liberalism going back to the Magna Carta). Dovetails remarkably with the conclusions of Harald Kautz-Vella in the video above.

[Simon]:This is the right time finally for us to break free. And it's really important that we remember that what we read, what we're told, are probably facts but mixed in with lies to try to gain a hook into us, and then they put the screw on. And I'm absolutely confident that the vast majority of people in the Western world will see through this and will have no part of it.... We are standing on the threshold, and we will make the choice. These people will try to lead us down a particular pathway. It's entirely up to us whether we go down this pathway, or we actually choose a new reality. We choose a new way of doing things. Because 1 percent of the world's population have no right to dictate what you do, when you do it, and how you do it, to 99 percent of the population. Who gave them that position? I didn't, you didn't. But they have obtained that position through trickery. And because they've done it by trickery they will ultimately fail. Because you cannot build truth on lies.
[Linda]: Part of our strength is going to come from: "Hey, I agreed. Hey, I did go along. Hey, I don't anymore. And now I refuse to let the machine which I have become analogical with - by that I mean, it is me - I have to now be mindful. I have to listen to my thoughts. I have to now actually see, what am I agreeing to, every single moment. Because it's so important. Because it's coming for me. And I have to be able to activate my will which I have suppressed with belief systems of powerlessness. ... [It is important] for every single person to not focus on being the victim of trickery, but focus on the power they have given to others because of their fear of claiming it for themselves.
[Simon]: What we're saying is, we're aware of what's happening; we won't bring pain to anybody else; but neither will we give our consent. And these things work on energy consent. And if large enough [numbers of] people on the planet do not give their consent, then these guys who are heartless will find that they do not have the authority to put through what they want.

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